Content Posted in 2020
Conflict Resolution and Anger Management, Lori M. Kling
Conservation of the SOS operon, umuDC, in Acinetobacter species, Ching-Li Lin
Conservation Status and Habitat Preference of the Longhead Darter (Percina Macrocephala) (Cope) in Kinniconick Creek, Lewis County, Kentucky, Joshua Schiering
Contact Newsletter (Fall), 1976, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Fall), 1979, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Homecoming), 1980, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Homecoming), 1981, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Homecoming), 1982, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Spring), 1975, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Spring), 1976, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Spring), 1977, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Spring), 1980, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Spring), 1982, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Summer), 1975, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Summer), 1980, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Winter), 1980, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Winter), 1980, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Contact Newsletter (Winter), 1981, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Continuum Reverberation Mapping of the Accretion Disks in Two Seyfert 1 Galaxies, Dirk Grupe
Conversion to the World View of Alcoholics Anonymous: A Refinement of Conversion Theory, David R. Rudy and Arthur L. Greil
Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Convocation and Commencement Speeches, 1967-1980, Office of the President
Cook Humphrey, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Cook Humphrey, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Cooperation In Resource Management Planning: A Model Process for Promoting Partnerships Between Resource Managers and Private Service Providers, Curt Schatz, Leo H. McAvoy, and David W. Lime
Coral Snake Cane, Tim Lewis
Cora Wilson Stewart Moonlight School, Cliff Johnson
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting on Fortune 500 Corporate Websites: Review and Analysis, Michelle B. Kunz
Correlate not optional: PP sprouting and parallelism in “much less” ellipsis, Katy Carlson and Jesse A. Harris
Correlation of American College Test Scores in Mathematics with First Semester College Freshman Grade Point Average, J. David Lester
Cory Clark Interview, Cory Clark and Christian M. Wright
Cosmic Twins, Robert Morgan
Council on Higher Education Records, 1972-1987, Office of the President
Counselors' and Principals' Perceptions of the Role of the School Counselor, Melissa A. Martin
Country Road crossing a Stream during the Fall, Chris Barker
County Attorney Shaw, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
County Fair, Hagan McGee
Couple Holding Hands, Guy Skaggs and Dollie Skaggs
Covered Bridge, Unknown
Covered Bridge over a Creek, William Howard
Cowboys and Butterflies: Creative Uses of Spontaneous Fantasy in Career Counseling, Dean W. Owen Jr. and Jean Wilson
Cow on Wheels, Ronald Cooper
Craft Academy 2019 Graduation, Craft Academy and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Craig Toliver, Hickman Courier
Craig Tolliver and His Faction, Semi-Weekly South Kentuckian
Craig Tolliver has been Elected Police Judge, Semi-Weekly Interior Journal
Creation and Implementation of the Central Appalachian Institute for Research and Development, James L. Hurley
Crown and Scepter Club Scrapbook, 1959-1961, Crown and Scepter Club
Crusader for Freedom: Frederick Douglass - Abolitionist, 1817-1865, Michael John Drahl
Cryman, Matthew Branham
CTIO, ROSAT HRI and Chandra ACIS Observations of the Archetypical Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnant W28 (G6.4−0.1), Thomas G. Pannuti
Cultural Simulations: A New Approach to Study Abroad Pedagogy, Stephanie L. Bundy
Cumberland Manor Subdivision, Mark Anthony Mulligan
Curricular Implications for Participative Management in Technology Education, James E. Smallwood
C. W. B. M. Notes, Mount Vernon Signal
Cynipid Gall Anatomy and Distribution of the Causal Organism, David E. Murray
Danazol as a Steroid Enzyme Inhibitor in Rat Adrenal Glands, Frank A. Miklavcic
Daniel Huff Interview, Daniel Huff and Jacob Bush
Daniel's Creek School, Cliff Johnson
David Smith Interview, David Smith and Christian M. Wright
Dean David Gregory Interview, David Gregory and Christian M. Wright
Dean John Nelson Interview, Jonathan Nelson and Christian M. Wright
Dear Meat County, Mark Anthony Mulligan
Death Education in U.S. Medical Schools: 1975-1980, George E. Dickinson
Death in the Medical Social System: An Analysis of Deviance, Christine A. Larson-Kurz
Death of an American City: The Role of Capitalism in Urban Decay, Chad Everett Saunders
Debate Team/Davis/Profitt/Barnett, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Debate Team/Davis/Profitt/Barnett, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Debate Team/Davis/Profitt/Barnett, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Deer, Benny Catron
Defending the Jackson Purchase: The History of Camp Beauregard, Kentucky, Dieter C. Ullrich
Delta Zeta 2019, Taya Craft
Demographic Changes in Rural America and the Implications for Special Education Programming: A Descriptive and Comparative Analysis, Shane C. Shope, Jerry Johnson, and Matthew A. Ohlson
Deputy Sheriff Hogg, Big Sandy News
Design and Analysis of an Extraction Device for Retracted Catheter Needles for Multiple Reuses on Simulation Manikins, Nilesh N. Joshi, Travis Fisher, and Rajeev Nair
Design and Analysis of a Small Form Factor Desktop Computer Enclosure, Curt Adkins
Design and Fatigue Study of Intravascular Coronary Stent using Finite Element Analysis, Jared May
Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Easily Customized Staff Scheduling System, Lakmal Molligoda
Design Optimization of the Rolling Piston Type Rotary Compressor, Pavankumar Kurmagadda
Detection of Malingered AD/HD in College Students, Andrea Williams
Determination and Analysis of Curriculum Content for a Degree Program in Construction Management, Jason Stepp
Determination of Selected Course Management Systems Advantages and Challenges: A Case Study, Dolruedee Suppacheewa
Developing a Filter Kit System Database: Procedure and Analysis, He Shi
Developing Problem-Solving Heuristics in the Middle School: A Qualitative Study, Kim F. Garnett and John T. Bullock
Developing Teaching Skills with Microteaching, Harry C. Mayhew
Developmental Toxicity of Atrazine and Copper Sulfate using the Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (FETAX), Misty D. Hamilton
Development of a Middle to High School College and Career Readiness Tool and Professional Development for a Northeastern Kentucky School Community, Lowell Shawn Thornbury
Development of an in vitro Protocol to Study the Effect of Estrogen on Osteoblast Activity, Sourik Ganguly
Development of a User Interface to Communicate with Virtual Delta Robot using Modbus TCP/IP and C#, Armin Maraghehmoghaddam
Devil's Puzzle Quilt, Irene Huff and Violet Huff
Devil Tree, Erma Lewis
Diffraction by Sheer Coincidence, Jennifer J. Birriel
Digitized Theses, 1940-2013, Graduate School
Dinsmore Home, Unknown
Direct probe of the inner accretion flow around the supermassive black hole in NGC 2617, Dirk Grupe
Discriminating Between Afferent and Efferent Contributions to Visual Awareness in Afterimages, Allen Lane Thomas
Distribution and Ecology of Cavernicolous Coleoptera in Bat Cave, Carter County, Kentucky, David Bruce Conn
Division of School Relations Records, 1952-1970, Communications & Marketing Office
Do Contextual Effects Bias Kentucky School District Accountability Index Scores?, Edward B. Reeves
Does Rural High School Education Influence College Outcomes? A Longitudinal Study using a Cohort of U.S. High School Seniors, Christopher S. Snyder
Dog-Trot Cabin, Unknown
Don't Neglect the Rose Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Dopamine D1 and D2 Receptor Interaction may Initiate Amphetamine-Induced Hypo-Activity in Rats, Susan L. Roy
Doran, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Doran Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dover, PA Iron, Iron Rock Farm, LLC
Down In The Valley, Joan Dance
Drama, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Drama, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Drama, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Fulbright Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Fulbright Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr Jay Morgan, Brandon Bryer Morehead State University, WKYT
Dr. Whang, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Whang, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Whang, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Whang, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Whang, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Dr. Whang, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eagle Baseball 1990, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Baseball 2001 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Baseball '74, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Basketball 1971-72 Post Season Issue, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Basketball 1989-90, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Basketball 2000-01 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Excellence 2005 Morehead State University Eagle Baseball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Excellence Morehead State University Eagle Basketball 2004-05, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Excellence Morehead State University Eagle Golf 2004, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Excellence Morehead State University Lady Eagle Basketball 2004-05, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Football Morehead State University 1995, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Foundation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eagle Golf 2001 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Lake Homecoming, John L. Ward
Eagle Lake Homecoming, John Ward
Eagle Rifle 2001 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles and Lady Eagles vs. Austin Peay, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles and Lady Eagles vs. Eastern Kentucky, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles and Lady Eagles vs. Tennessee State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles and Lady Eagles vs. Tennessee Tech, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles Beat U.L., Louisville Courier-Journal
Eagle Softball Morehead State University 1996, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles Romp, Louisville Courier-Journal
Eagle Statue, Unknown
Eagles vs. Asbury / Lady Eagles vs. UNC Asheville / Lady Eagles vs. Marshall, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles vs East Tennessee / Eagles vs. Samford, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagles vs. Maryland-Baltimore Co. / Lady Eagles vs. Dayton, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Tennis 2001 Morehead State Tennis, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eagle Track 2001 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Eaglets, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eaglets, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eaglets, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eagle vs Tennessee Tech / Lady Eagles vs. Tennessee Tech, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Early Historical Aspects of Adult Literacy: Particularly in Rowan County, Kentucky and How Adult Education is Linked to Morehead State University, Joy F. Cecil and Jackie McCleese
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Easter Egg Hunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eastern Broke Its 7-game Losing Streak, Louisville Courier-Journal
Eastern Kentucky Farmer's Willingness to Grow Biomass for Emergy Production, Austin P. Jacobs
Eastern Kentucky Retired Teachers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Eastern Kentucky Student Library Association Records, 1939-1995, Eastern Kentucky Student Library Association and Eastern Kentucky Education Association, Department of Librarians
Eastern Kentucky vs. Morehead State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Ecological Factors Controlling Population Distribution of the Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus Orbicollis Say, Gerald L. DeMoss
Ecological Impacts of the Proposed Reconstruction of KY 92 in McCreary and Whitley Counties, Kentucky, Peggy A. Measel
Educational and Career Preferences of Children of Alcoholics, Lester Jones
Education's Gift, Stephen Tirone
Effect of a Structured Program on Selected Students in the Morehead State University Special Services Program, Angelyn Sharee Crowe
Effect of Attenuation Relationships on Seismic Site Response Analysis, Maryam Motamed
Effect of Calcium Channel Antagonists and Sex on Bone Metabolism in Aged Brown Norway Rats, Brent Kidd
Effect of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Herbicide Carryover on Subsequent Crops, C. Brent Rogers, Ronald Talbert, and Robert Frans
Effect of Nesting Structure Density on Clutch Success of Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, Nesting in Constructed Wetlands in the Cave Run Lake, Kentucky, Area, Teresa L. Caudill
Effect of Rho Kinase Inhibition on Alpha-Actin Remodeling in the Contracting A7r5 Smooth Muscle Cell, Suzette Pike
Effect of Stocking Density on Sunshine Bass (Morone Chrysops X M. Saxatilis) Production and Water Quality at Minor Clark Fish Hatchery, Kentucky, Todd A. Leonard
Effects of Chronic and Acute y-Hydroxybutyrate Administration on Mass and the Release of Growth Hormone and Corticosterone, Eric C. Goshorn
Effects of Dietary Corn Oil and Menhaden Oil on Rats Mammary Tumorigenesis and Prostaglandin E2 Levels, Melissa L. Philley
Effects of Dopamine D3 Receptor Antagonism on the Development of Behavioral Sensitization to Cocaine, Hong Dong
Effects of Fertilization on Water Quality in Grayson Lake, Kentucky., Albert W. Remley II
Effects of Frustration on Performance in Adult Human Subjects, Ted L. Miller
Effects of Hippocampal Lesions on Performance in a Shock Escape Task, George L. Reuthebuck
Effects of Indomethacin on Prostaglandin E2 in 7,12-Dimethybenz (A) Anthracene induced Mammary Tumorigenisis in Rats fed Different Levels of Polyunsaturated Fat, Candace Sue Smith
Effects of Non-Point Nutrient Loading on Planktonic Community Structure and Function in a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland, Brian M. Binion
Effects of Prescribed Burning on Breeding Bird Populations of the Daniel Boone National Forest Pioneer Weapons Area, Jimmy Mains
Effects of Religious Orientation on Attitudes Toward Death Among Students at Morehead State University, See Hwa Teh
Effects of Repeated Apomorphine and Haloperidol Treatments on Subsequent Behavioral Sensitivity to Apomorphine, Bruce A. Mattingly and James K. Rowlett
Effects of Roadside Distractors on Performance of Drivers With and Without Attention Deficit Tendencies, Gregory M. Corso
Effects of Tubal Ligation and Salpingectomy on Pregnancy, Ottis Murphy Lane
Efficiency in Elementary Art Instruction: Advanced High School Students as Auxiliary Personnel, Daniel Lee Crusie
El Hasa Shrine Football Game - Morehead State University vs. Central State University, El Hasa Temple, Ashland, Kentucky
Elitism versus Streetism: An Examination of Bias toward White Collar Offenders in the Criminal Justice System, Yasmin Shiraz Ward
Emily Wiley Interview, Emily Wiley and Christian M. Wright
Emma Collins Interview, Emma Collins and Jacob Bush
Enhancing Engine Block Quality by Reducing Metal Chips in Porosities - A Case Study, Santosh Kumar Kurella
Enhancing Self-esteem of At-risk High School Students, Daniel Fasko Jr. and W. Wallace Flint
Ephraim McDowell, Unknown
Establishing a Handicap Awareness Day in the School, William J. Weikel
Establishing a LAN Network for Designing and Analyzing of Manufacturing Products, Yuqiu You
Establishment of State Normal School, Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1922
Ethel Ellington Collection, Ethel Lee Ellington
Evaluation of the Graduates of the Morehead State University Associate Degree Nursing Program from May, 1973 through May, 1976, Betty M. Porter
Evaluation of the Success of Constructed Wetlands in the Cave Run Lake Watershed, April Diane Haight
Eve, Edgar Tolson
Eve Listening To The Fallen Angel, Jo Neace Krause
E-Verify and the Potential Effects on Government Contractors, Brad McLean
Eve with Snake and Apple, Donny Tolson
Evolutionary Centrality and Maximal Cliques in Mobile Social Networks, Heba M. Elgazzar and Adel Elmaghraby
Examining Racial Disparities in Program Completion and Post-Program Recidivism Rates: Comparing Caucasian and Non-Caucasian Treatment Court Participants, Lisa M. Shannon
Execution of John Jackson Nickell, Sandusky Daily Commercial
Exile Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Exile Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Exile Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Exile Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Exile Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ex-Morehead State employee charged in $167,000 scam, Lexington Herald-Leader and Mike Stunson
Ex-Morehead State star goes from 'mercy pick' to Cubs hero, Lexington Herald-Leader
Expanding the Foundation: Climate Change and Opportunities for Educational Research, David Long, Joseph Henderson, and Andrea Drewes
Expenditures Streams and School Improvement in Kentucky: Does Money Matter?, Edward B. Reeves
Exploration Linking Self-Reported Disordered Eating and Wellness in Undergraduate Health Students, Pamela K. Owens
Exposure to Methamphetamine and Phencyclidine during Development and Subsequent Behavioral Change, Takehiro Minamoto
Exteminated, Big Sandy News
Facilitating International Chinese Students' Transformation in an Online Course, Fujuab Tan
Faded Love Faculty, Styx Hicks
Fall Sports 1976 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Fantasy Revisited: A Writer's Escape from the Bindings of Reality, Victoria Page
Farm, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Farm, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Farm, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe, Jennifer J. Birriel
Fashion Show, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fashion Show, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fashion Show, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fashion Show, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fashion Show, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fat Liberation in the First World: Lucille Clifton and the New Body, Sylvia B. Henneberg
Faye Belcher, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Faye Belcher, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Faye Belcher, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Faye Belcher, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth Dimension Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fifth-Year Report for the Commission of Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Morehead State University. Office of Research and Development.
Final Roster, Anthony Saunders
Finite Topologies and Boolean Matrices, Jon Michael Kelley
First Grade Teachers can Learn to more Accurately Identify Specific Learning Disabilities in their Children, Pauline Georgakis
Fit to be Tied, Zaphra May-Miller
Five-year Changes in Pond Sediment Nutrients and Phosphorus Adsorptiondesorption., Brian C. Reeder
Fleming County - Raid on Flemingsburg and Maysville, Louisville Weekly Journal
Fleming County - Shooting of Major Thomas Hamrick, Louisville Daily Democrat
Flood, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Flood, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Flood, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Flood, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Folk Dancers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Folk Dancers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Folk Dancers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Folk Dancers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Lab, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Lab, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Lab, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Lab, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Lab, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Lab, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Service, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Service, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Service, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Food Service, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Football '71 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Football Morehead State University 1996, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Football Tonight, David Lucas
Foreign Language Houses and Their Role in the Foreign Language Curriculum, Vicente Cano
Forest Stream in the Winter, Doug Adams
Form and function: Optional complementizers reduce causal inferences, Katy Carlson, Hannah Rohde, and Joseph Tyler
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
For the Record, Michael Biel
Founder’s Day Programs, 1963-2008, Communications & Marketing Office
Four-Ten Special, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Four-Ten Special, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Four-Ten Special, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Four-Ten Special, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Four-Ten Special, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Fox and Candle, Calvin Cooper
Fox Cane, Tim Lewis
Franchise Relocation and Expansion of North American Professional Sports, Steve Shih-Chia Chen and Cole Ryan Osborn
Francis Marion: 1780-1782, Rayburn Clifton Stovall
Frank C. Button, Yang Neng Chiang
Frank C. Button, Les Marshale
Frankenstein, Tim Lewis
Frankie and Johnnie, Thomas Hart Benton
Frederick Douglass, Austin Productions, Inc.
Freebird at Eleven, Sean L. Corbin
Freedom, Laran Ghiglieri
From Animal Cruelty to Serial Murder: Applying the Graduation Hypothesis, Jeremy N. Wright
From Eastern Kentucky, Cincinnati Daily Commercial
From General Technology Familiarity to Anti-Spyware Program Adoption: Comparison between the U.S. and South Korea, Dong-Heon Kwak
From Slavery to Freedom: African-Americans in Eastern Kentucky, 1860-1884, Stuart Sprague
From These Pages, Tonya Gross
"Fu-Hsin" Li Cauldron, Unknown
Functional Success of Six Constructed Bottomland Hardwood Forests in Central and Western Kentucky, Ryan W. McCall
Furniture Factory at MNS, Maysville Public Ledger
Future Homemakers of America, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Future Homemakers of America, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Future Homemakers of America, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Future Homemakers of America, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Future Homemakers of America, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
"Fu-Yi" Ting Cauldron, Unknown
GABA A/a1 Receptor Site Involvement in the Hyperphagic Effect of Benzodiazepine Administration in Squirrel Monkeys, Angela Nicole Duke
Gall-Bladder Shaped Vase, Unknown
Gamin, Leonardo Artwork, Inc.
Gamma Phi Beta 2019 Fall Recruitment, Gamma Phi Beta
Garrett Bloebaum Interview, Garrett Bloebaum and Jacob Bush
Garrett Lawrence Interview, Garrett Lawrence and Christian M. Wright
Gas Emissions, Tars, and Secondary Minerals from the Ruth Mullins and Tiptop Coal Mine Fires, Jennifer M. K. O'Keefe
Gateway Award, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
General Leslie Visit, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Geographic Allozyme Variation in Kentucky Populations of the Desmognathus Fuscus Complex (Plethodontidae), Russell M. Meadows
Geology, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Geology, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Geology, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
George Washington, School Decoration Company
Giotto: Why not Cimabue?, Duna Verich-Combs
Giraffe, Linvel Barker
Girl with Doll, Leonardo Artworks, Inc.
Give Students What They Need, Andyffhai They Want, Paul Taylor
Glasses, Unknown
Golf, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Golf, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Golf, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Golf 1980 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Gospel Choir, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Governor Buckner, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Goya and the International Art Movements of his Time, Beverly L. McNutt
Grades 6-12 Engineering Project: Turbine Design, Hans Chapman, Lesia Lennex, Justin Elswick, and April Haight
Grading on a Curve in Prerequisite Courses and Student Performance in Online Introductory Corporate Finance Classes, Chien-Chih Peng
Graduate School Records, 1942-1998, Graduate School
Grasshopper Whirligig, Hugo Sperger
Gravy Pourer, Unknown
Green Lotus Mountain, Li Shou Ting
Growth and Development of Music Printing by Germans in Rome and Venice before 1501, Bonita E. Blakefield
Guardian Angel, Tim Lewis
Guinnea Hen, Lonnie Money and Twyla Money
Guinnea Hen, Lonnie Money and Twyla Money
Habitability: Are Two Suns Better than One?, Jennifer Birriel
Haggan Plaque, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Haggan Plaque, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hardy's Pilgrimage Poems of 1887 and the Anxiety of Influence, Ronald D. Morrison
Harrows, Red Reffitt
Harvest Moon Morehead State Bluegrass Band, Styx Hicks
Harvest Time, Hagan McGee
Harvey A. Babb, Yang Neng Chiang
Hatcherism, Licking Valley Courier
Hatcher's Alleged Disloyalty to U.S., Licking Valley Courier
"Have Gone to Atlanta": The Diary Entries of Private Van Buren Oldham, March 13, 1864 to August 1, 1864, Dieter C. Ullrich
Hawk and Rattlesnake, Charley Kinney
Hawkins Symphony, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hawkins Symphony, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hawkins Symphony, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hawkins Symphony, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hawkins Symphony, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hawkins Tubas, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Hayden Holley Interview, Hayden Holley and Christian M. Wright
HD 40307g, NASA JPL
Heading Toward the Barn, Hagan McGee
Helm Place, Woody Huston
'He Needes Moste Hire Wedde': The Forced Marriage in Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Tale and its Middle English Analogues, Marc Glasser
Henry Clay, Unknown
Henry Watterson, Unknown
Herb F. Reinhard, Yang Neng Chiang
High Cadence, Linear and Circular Polarization Monitoring of OJ 287 - Helical Magnetic Field in a Bent Jet, Dirk Grupe
Historical and Spatial Analysis of the Fishes of Triplett Creek, Rowan County, Kentucky, Katherine A. McCafferty
Historical Buildings, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Historical Buildings, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Historic Newspaper Issues and Clippings, 1887-1954, University Library
History Department Office Files, 1971-1994, History Department.
History of Animation, Monticia Dunn
History of Business Education at Morehead State University February, 1938, through August, 1970, Karen Kennedy
History of Business Education at Morehead State University February, 1938, through August, 1970, Karen Kennedy
History of Morehead State University Library, 1887-1974, Bessie W. Morrison
History of the Forensics Program, 1923-1992, School of English, Communication, Media and Language
History Scrapbooks, 1935-1964, University Library
His Total 204, Louisville Courier-Journal
Hit the Mark, Zaphra May-Miller
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homecoming 1967 - Morehead vs. Austin Peay, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
"Homecoming" Morehead State University Eagles vs. Akron Zips, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Home Economics, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Home Economics, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Home Economics, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Home Economics, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Homeschooling: An Overview, Deborah Abell
Home Sweet Home, Adam Black
Homogenized bovine milk xanthine oxidase: a critique of the hypothesis relating to plasmalogen depletion and cardiovascular disease, Charles Y. Ho, Andrew J. Clifford, and Helene Swenerton
Honorees, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Horrid State of Affairs in Rowan, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Horse, Earnest Patton
Horse, Linvel Barker
Horse Farm, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Horses Win by 25-22, Pioneers by 27 to 18 and Eagles by 30-24, Louisville Courier-Journal
Howell Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
How Mountain Girls Can Love Morehead State Bluegrass Band, Styx Hicks
How to Acquire and Sustain a Culture of Achievement, Garrick Ratliff
"Hsien-Hou" Ting Cauldron, Unknown
Huck Finn, Thomas Hart Benton
Huesman Family Scrapbook, George Martin Huesman and Hilary John Huesman
Hybridization of Lythrurus Fasciolaris (Cope) and Lythrurus Umbratilis (Girard) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) in the Ohio River Basin, Robert L. Hopkins II
Hypercholesterolemia and Platelet Sensitivity to Thromb IN-Induced Aggregation in Whole Blood, Charles E. Hammond II
Ice Flower, Jennifer J. Birriel
Identification of Gifted/Talented Students and a Curriculum for Gifted/Talented Students at Lewis County High School, Vanceburg, Kentucky, Helen L. Smith
I Just Want to Thank You Lord - Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Images of Pandas, Unknown
Implementing Community Baby Showers to Address Infant Mortality in Oklahoma., Timothy S. Thornberry, Jennifer Han, and Linda Thomas
Implementing Low Stress Handling into the Academic Setting, Amy J. Staton
Increasing Physical Activity using an Ecological Model, Gina B. Gonzalez and Kristi M. King
Independence and Domination on Shogiboard Graphs, Doug Chatham
Indian Head Rock Visible, Cincinnati Commercial Gazette
Indian on Skis, Minnie Adkins
Indirect Rule - Lugardian Style, Leslye Mercer Murray
Indoor Track 1977 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Industrial Arts, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Inez Faith Humphrey Award Records, 1964-1970, English Department and Inez Faith Humphrey
Influence of 17-B-Estradiol and Progesterone on the In Vitro Cultured Mouse Preimplantation Embryos, Matthew L. Offutt
Influence of Technology on Gifted and Talented Elementary School Student Academic Achievement, Karen N. Conn
Influence of the Soil Environment on the Germination and Survival of Macroconidia of Fusarium Roseum 'Sambucinum', Ted Pass II
Information Structure Preferences in Focus-Sensitive Ellipsis: How Defaults Persist, Katy Carlson and Jesse A. Harris
Initial Findings on the Implementation of a Peer Mentoring Program (PMP) for Freshman Student-Athletes, Angela D. Meyer
Initial Trends in the Kentucky Buck Test Program, Robert S. Kelly
In Kentucky, Ivanka Trump touts 'booming' economy, Lexington Herald-Leader and Will Wright
Inorganic Fertilization of Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) Hatchery Ponds, Roderick J. Middleton
Inscape 2020, Morehead State University.
Integrating Overseas Language and Business Education in a Statewide Consortium, Vincente Cano and Fred Miller
Integrating School-to-Career Components with Gainesville High School's Philosophy, Goals and Needs in a Revision of the Family and Consumer Science Curriculum, Gwinetta G. Mitchell
Internationalization of Curriculum in Higher Education: An Action Research Study on a Global Engineering Track, Michael S. Keibler
International Student Perceptual Challenges and Coping within Higher Education, Edmund Martelli
Interspecific and Intraspecific Variation between and among Symphurus Plagiusa (Linnaeus) and Symphurus Civitatus Ginsburg with Notes on their Distribution, Chester A. Nava Jr.
Into the Machine, Scarlett Stewart
Investigation of Ninth Grade Performance on the CTBS 5th Edition, Kraig H. Grayson
Investigation of RTI Effectiveness, Patricia L. Murphy
Investigation of Vertical Handoff Techniques in Integrated WLAN/Cellular Networks and Performance Analysis of Horizon Handoff in WiMax Networks, Elaheh Arabmakki
In Vivo Study of the Effects of Danazol on Cytoplasmic Receptors in the Female Rat, Deborah L. Spencer
Ione Chapman Papers, 1907-1987, University Library
Ironic Invocations of the Saints in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Clyburn Duder
Isabella Carpintero Interview, Isabella Carpintero and Jacob Bush
Is Alcoholics Anonymous a Religious Organization?: Meditations on Marginality, David R. Rudy and Arthur L. Greil
Isis, David Lucas
Island Fork School, Cliff Johnson
Isolation and Characterization of luxI and luxR Homologues from Edwardsiella ictaluri, Edward Todd Jacobs
Isolation, Purification and Partial Characterization of Some Isoenzymes of Human Serum Alkaline Phosphatase, M. Sue Jones
Isolde, Unknown
Is Service Learning More or Less Effective than Traditional Face-to-Face Learning in Technology Education in the Community College Environment?, David C. Childress
It Was You Senior Sarah Kate Morgan, Styx Hicks
Ivory Billed Woodpecker, John A. Ruthven
Jack and the Beanstalk Cane, Earnest Patton
Jackson Collins Interview, Jackson Collins and Jacob Bush
Jacob Bush Interview, Jacob Bush and Jeremy Copley
James Audubon, Unknown
James Harris alias Pendlum Acquitted of the Charge of Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Japanese Watercolor, Unknown
Jayden Adkins Interview, Jayden Adkins and Christian M. Wright
Jefferson @ Main, Robbie Mueller
Jeremy I. Copley Interview, Jeremy Isaac Copley and Jacob Bush
Jesse James, Thomas Hart Benton
Jesse Johnson Interview, Jesse Johnson and Christian M. Wright
JJ Niles, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
JJ Niles, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
JJ Niles, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
JJ Niles, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Job Descriptions, 1988-2001, Human Resources & Payroll Office
Job Descriptions: Nicholas County School System, Betty Lynn Conrad
John G. Hughes, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
John H. Payne, Yang Neng Chiang
John Lewis, Unknown
Johnson Camden Library, Douglas Adams
Jonah and the Whale, Ronald Cooper
Joseph Goebbels and Nazi Radio Propaganda: An Assessment of Success and Failure, Chester Ferdinand Casanave Jr.
Josh Grogan Interview, Josh Grogan and Christian M. Wright
J. Stetler Orchestra, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Judge Cole Explains his Position in Reference to the Troubles in Rowan County, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Just Waiting, Ronald Cooper
J. Wesley Hatcher, 81, Former West Liberty Pastor, Dies in Ohio, Licking Valley Courier
J. Wesley Hatcher Draft Registration Card, Local (Draft) Board for the County of Rowan, State of Kentucky.
J. W. Riley, Maysville Public Ledger
Kaki V, R Hay
Kentucky Appalachian Arts and Crafts, Janie Griffith
Kentucky Colonels International, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kentucky Colonels International, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kentucky Colonels International, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kentucky Colonels International, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kentucky Counts 100 Dead in Flood, Portsmouth Times
Kentucky Dance Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kentucky Dance Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kentucky Encyclopedia Draft Mockup, 1991, History Department. and John E. Kleber
Kentucky Map, James Ewen and James Coleman
Kentucky Means Paradise Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Kentucky Politics and the Heritage of the American Revolution: The Early Years, 1783- 1788, Stuart Seely Sprague
Kentucky Salamanders of the Genus Desmognathus: Their Identification, Distribution, and Morphometric Variation, Leslie Scott Meade
Kentucky's Architectural Heritage and its Preservation, Michael D. Killian
Kentucky Snakes: Their Systematics, Variation and Distribution, Les Meade
Kepler-16b, NASA JPL, Dan Goods, and David Delgado
Kepler-186f, NASA JPL, Dan Goods, David Delgado, and Joby Harris
K.I.A.C. Basketball Tournament, Louisville Courier-Journal
Kinetics and Mechanism of the Solvolysis of the cis- and trans-5, 5-Dimethyl-1, 3-cyclohexanediol Bis-p-toluenesulfonate in Aqueous Pyridine, Louis Frederick Holzknecht
Kingdom Come School, Cliff Johnson
Kingdom Come School, Cliff Johnson
Kingdom Come School, Cliff Johnson
Kline the Ventriloquist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kline the Ventriloquist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Kobe Bryant and Greatness, Isaac Crume
Lady Eagle Basketball 2000-01 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles and Eagles vs. Murray State / Lady Eagles and Eagles vs. UT Martin, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles & Eagles Basketball games from December 17, 2000 and January 4, 2001, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles & Eagles vs. Austin Peay / Lady Eagles & Eagles vs. Tennessee State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles & Eagles vs. Eastern Illinois / Lady Eagles & Eagles vs. Southeast Missouri, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles & Eagles vs. Eastern Kentucky, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles vs. Davis & Elkins / Eagles vs. Virginia-Wise / Eagles vs. St. Francis (Ind.), Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lady Eagles vs. Oakland University / MSU vs. Tennessee Tech / MSU vs. Middle Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Lang Vase, Unknown
Large Cat, Linvel Barker
Large Horse with Rider, Minnie Adkins
Large Plate, Unknown
Larkspur Press: A Bibliography 1975-1990, Clara Keyes
Larry Keenan Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Larry Keenan Musical Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Latest from Rowan, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Latin Club/Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Latin Club/Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Latin Club/Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Latin Club/Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Latin Club/Convocation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lean on Me: The Development of a Mentor Training and Resource Manual for Mentors of the Dreams Program, Cory M. Clark
Learning To See, Stephen Tirone
Lee, Lavon Williams
Legal Analysis: Sexual Assault on Campus., Daryl R. Privott and Karen Coburn
Letter from Zeke Yocum, Frankfort Roundabout
Leveraging Tech to Enhance Learning, Strengthen Relationships, and Introduce Diversity in Online Classes, Amber N. Hughes and Micah J. Pritchard
Leviathan as Hobbes's Narrative of Salvation, Michael Anthony Howard
Library, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library, Barbara Burton
Library Service Guides, 1973-1975, Appalachian Adult Education Center
Library Tower Construction, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library Tower Construction, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library Tower Construction, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Library Tower Construction, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Life Across Friends, Brandon Ballard
Life History of the Northern Madtom, Noturus Stigmosus (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae), in the Licking River, Kentucky, Jonathan F. Scheibly
Lincoln Memorial, Austin Productions Incorporated
Linking your microcomputer to Dow Jones Information and News Retrieval Service., Markham B. Schack
Lions Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lions Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lions Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lions Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lions Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lions Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lisa Palus Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lisa Palus Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Lisa Palus Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
List of Men That Worked on the Fortifications at Mayfield, Kentucky August 17 to September 13, 1864, Dieter C. Ullrich
Little Boy with Dog, Leonardo Artworks, Inc.
Little Red School, Cliff Johnson
Little Sally Walker, Joan Dance
Lizard, Larry Hamm
Lizard, Minnie Black
L&N Railroad Train, Hagan McGee
Local Option Election, Earlington Bee
Lonesome Road Blues Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Longing for Tulsa and You Morehead State Country Band, Styx Hicks
"Longitudinal Patterns in the Fish Assemblages of An Ozark Stream,", David L. McNeely
Long-term Optical, UV, and X-ray Continuum Variations in the Changing-look AGN HE 1136-2304, Dirk Grupe
Louis Bailey Photographic Negatives, Francis Louis Bailey
Louisville Commercial, Hazel Green Herald
Lover Man, Always, Lavon Williams
Love will Tear us Apart: A Meditation on Relationships in Two Movements, Brandon Massengill
LTC (Ret.) Todd McLean, Unknown
Luana Barker Interview, Luana Barker and Jacob Bush
Macie Hatfield Interview, Macie Hatfield and Christian M. Wright
Macroinvertebrates and Reservoir Discharge: Effects of the Cave Run Lake on Tailwater Communities, Stephen James Jordan
Madrigil Singers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Main Entrance Obelisk, Unknown
Makayla Holder Interview, Makayla Holder and Christian M. Wright
Male Deer, Benny Catron
Mallard, Unknown
Malyn Sweat Interview, Malyn Sweat and Christian M. Wright
Man's Head, Tim Lewis
Man Sitting on Chair, Anonymous
Manure Spreader, Red Redffitt
Man with Dog and Rooster, Guy Skaggs and Dollie Skaggs
Map Monument, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Map Monument, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Marching Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Margaret Penix Notebooks, 1929-1935, University Breckinridge School
Mark Twain, Joseph Konzal
Marriage and the Use of Force in Yvain, Marc Glasser
Marshall University vs. Morehead State University, Marshall University. Athletics Department.
Masked Depression in Children: Is it a Useful Concept?, M. Russell Thomas
Mason County - Capture of Maysville, Louisville Daily Democrat
Mason County Choir, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mason County Choir, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mason County Choir, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mason County Choir, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mason County - Everett's Raid, Maysville Bulletin
Mason County - Law Suits against Rebels, Louisville Daily Journal
Mason County - Raid on Maysville, Louisville Daily Journal
Mason County - Rebel Raid on Maysville, Maysville Bulletin
Mason County - Rebels rob Maysville Stores, Louisville Daily Democrat
Math Bowl, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
McDowell House, Unknown
Me and my Boggin, Tim Lewis
Measurement and Affect of Ecologically Significant Factors within a Thermally-Stratified Lake on Bacterial Utilization of a Humic Acid, Herbert E. Schmidt
Memorial Honors Founder of Old Morehead Normal, Unknown.
Memorial Mountain Quilt, Mary Nehring
Memorial Mountain Quilt, Mary Nehring
Men's Track 1980 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Metronidazole Effects on Hindgut Microflora Residing within the Subterranean Termite Reticulitermes Flavipes, Alexandra Gjevre
Mickey Wells Signee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mickey Wells Signee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mickey Wells Signee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Middle Fork of Ball Creek, Cliff Johnson
Middles and Movement, Thomas S. Stroik
Mideast Regional Tournament NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association.
Milking Time, Hagan McGee
Mincey Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mincey Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mincey Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Minimum Requirements for Science in the Kentucky High Schools, Madison E. Pryor
M. I. S. I. P. / Morehead State University Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Miss Pigtails, Austin Productions, Inc.
Miss the Mississippi and You Morehead State Bluegrass Band, Styx Hicks
Moncure Conway: Abolitionist, Reformer, Michael D. Warren
Monlight and Maple Syrup, Janice Harding Owens
Montmartre, the cabaret of the Lapin Agile and Saint-Vincent street in winter, Maurice Utrillo
More Bloodshed in Rowan, Semi-Weekly Interior Journal
Morehead Beaten, Louisville Courier-Journal
Morehead College 1948 Football Information, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead College Eagles Football Program, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead Eagles versus West Liberty State College, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead, Ky., July 3, Semi-Weekly South Kentuckian
Morehead-Normal Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead-Normal Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead-Normal Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead-Normal Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead Normal School, Unknown
Morehead Normal School - Burgess Hall, Mount Sterling Advocate
Morehead Normal School Campus, Unknown
Morehead Staggers U. of L. by 40 to 35, Louisville Courier-Journal
Morehead State 1995 Eagle Softball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State 2004 Eagle Softball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State 2006 Eagle Softball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State 2019 Football Media Day - Rob Tenyer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State 2019 Spring Gala, Alumni Association
Morehead State Basketball Media Day - Men's Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Basketball Media Day - Women's Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Biomedical Sciences Program, Morehead State University. Office of Academic Affairs.
Morehead State Co Ed 2020 Finals, Brian Guest
Morehead State Co-ed—MSU Showcase 2020, Randi Pullins
Morehead State College 1954-55 Basketball Brochure, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State College 1963 Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State College Basketball 1960-61, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State College Basketball 1961-62, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State College Basketball 1962-1963, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State College "Eagles" 1950 Football Information for Press, Radio and Television, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State College Football Brochure 1956, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Delta Gamma 2019, Ben Childers
Morehead State Eagle Golf 2004, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagles 2006-07 Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagles 2006 Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagles 2006 Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagles 2009 Baseball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagle Soccer 2002, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagle Tennis 2002, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Eagle Volleyball 2002, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State First Day of Classes- August 19, 2019, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead State Nursing Student on Path to Success, Morehead State University. Office of Academic Affairs.
Morehead State SGA- Aramark Food Voucher Program, Student Government Association
Morehead State Students Recount Memories of Famous Great-Aunt, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Morehead State Univerity 2004 Eagle Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Univerity Eagle Basketball 1978-79, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University, YOuniversityTV
Morehead State University, Morehead State University
Morehead State University 1970 Football Facts, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1974 Football Guide, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1979 Golf, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1979 Men's and Women's Cross Country, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1982 Women's Tennis, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1985-86 Lady Eagles, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1986 Eagle Baseball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1992-93 Lady Eagle Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1992 Lady Eagle Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1993-94 Lady Eagle Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1994 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1998 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1999-2000 Eagle Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1999-2000 Lady Eagle Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1999 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1999 Eagle Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 1999 Eagle Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2000 Eagle Baseball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2000 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2000 Eagle Golf, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2000 Eagle Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2000 Eagle Softball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2000 Eagle Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2001 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2002 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2003 Eagle Baseball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2003 Eagle Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2004 Eagle Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2006-07 Golf, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2006-07 Rifle, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2006-07 Women's Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2006 Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007-08 Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007-08 Women's Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007 Baseball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007 Cross Country, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007 Football, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007 Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007 Softball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University 2007 Tennis, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University '98/99 Women's Basketball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University '98 Eagle Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University '98 Eagle Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University - All Girl Stunt 2003, Dan Gymnast
Morehead State University - Bald Eagle, Gene Gray
Morehead State University Baseball 1975, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1976, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1979, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1980, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1981, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1988, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1989, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1991, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1992, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Baseball 1993, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1975-76, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1976-1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1977-1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1977-78, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1977-78, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1977-78, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1978-79, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1979-80, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1987-1988, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1988-89, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball 1991-92, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Basketball - McDonald's Eagle Classic, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Bluegrass Band / Theme Time, Styx Hicks
Morehead State University Bluegrass Band / Two Highways, Styx Hicks
Morehead State University - Button Auditorium, Douglas Adams
Morehead State University Campus Activities Board, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead State University- Chinese Admission, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead State University Commercial Music Rock Ensemble, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead State University Compliance Certification Report, 2010-2011, Morehead State University. Office of Planning, Performance & Effectiveness.
Morehead State University Convocation, January 8, 2020, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
Morehead State University Country Band / Someday Soon, Styx Hicks
Morehead State University Dance Team| Nationals Hip hop performance!, Seth's Life
Morehead State University - Doran Student Building (ADUC), Douglas Adams
Morehead State University Eagle Basketball 1979-80, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Basketball 1980-81, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Cross Country & Track 1999, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Football 1991, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Golf 1999, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagles and Lady Eagles vs. Tennessee State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Softball 2003, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Tennis 1999, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Eagle Volleyball 2001, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1976, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1977 - Morehead State University vs. Austin Peay State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1977 - Morehead State University vs. Eastern Kentucky University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1977 - Morehead State University vs. East Tennessee State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1977 - Morehead State University vs. Middle Tennessee State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1977 - Morehead State University vs. University of Akron, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1978 - Morehead State University vs. Kentucky State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1978 - Morehead State University vs. Murray State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1978 - Morehead State University vs. Tennessee Tech University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1979, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1979, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1980, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1988, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1989, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1990, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football 1992, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Football '75, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Golf 1976, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Golf 1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Golf 1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Gymnastics 1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Institutional Self-Study Report for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Volume 1, 1978-1980, Morehead State University. Office of Planning, Performance & Effectiveness.
Morehead State University Institutional Self-Study Report for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Volume 2, 1978-1980, Morehead State University. Office of Planning, Performance & Effectiveness.
Morehead State University Lady Eagle Basketball 1978-79, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Lady Eagle Basketball 1979-80, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Lady Eagle Basketball 1987-1988, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Lady Eagle Basketball 1988-89, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Lady Eagle Basketball 1989-90, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Lady Eagle Post-Season Update, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Leadership and Impact Talk, Jonathan Darling
Morehead State University Marching Band 2019 - Blue and Gold, Amanda Allen
Morehead State University Men's Basketball 1977-78, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Men's Tennis 1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Men's Tennis 1979, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University - Mignon Complex & University Breckinridge School, Douglas Adams
Morehead State University: Past the Regular Season with the 1982-1983 Eagles, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University's Choir performs Alma Mater Song, Greg Detweiler and Morehead State University Choir.
Morehead State University's Choir performs Fight Song, Greg Detweiler and Morehead State University Choir.
Morehead State University Self-Study Report, 1988-1990, Morehead State University. Office of Planning, Performance & Effectiveness.
Morehead State University Self-Study Update, February 1990, Morehead State University. Office of Planning, Performance & Effectiveness.
Morehead State University's Marching Band performs Alma Mater Song, Susan Creasap and Morehead State University Marching Band.
Morehead State University's Marching Band performs Fight Song, Susan Creasap and Morehead State University Marching Band.
Morehead State University Speech Team & Individual Events Team History, 1923-1992, Harlen Hamm
Morehead State University Tennis 1976, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Tennis 1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Tennis 1979-1980, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Theme Song, Styx Hicks
Morehead State University Tour, Jeff Stanek
Morehead State University Track 1976, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Track '75, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Volleyball 1980, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Volleyball 1989 "Back to School", Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Volleyball 1990, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Akron, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Campbellsville, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Centre, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Florida International, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Illinois State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Liberty, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Liberty Baptist College, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Marshall University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Maryland-Eastern Shore, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Middle Tennessee State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Murray State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Ohio University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Ohio Wesleyan, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Radford, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Tennessee Technological University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Tennessee Wesleyan, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Tennessee Wesleyan, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University vs. Western Kentucky University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Winter Sports 1976, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Women's Basketball 1976-77, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Women's Basketball 1977-78, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Women's Fall Sports 1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State University Women's Softball 1980, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State vs. Austin Peay Homecoming 1981, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State vs. Fairmont State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Vs Kentucky Christian 2019 Football Highlight, Matt Turner
Morehead State vs Murray State Football Highlights (9-21-19), Murray State
Morehead State vs. Tiffin, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State vs. Western Kentucky, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead State Women's Basketball 2nd Round WNIT vs. WKU, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead Swept by 'Flash' Flood as Town Sleeps, Portsmouth Times
Morehead Tips Wesleyan and Wins 1st Place, Louisville Courier-Journal
Morehead Turn to General Cleanup after Last Rites are Held for 25 flood Victims, Portsmouth Times
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead v. Eastern Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Morehead vs. Austin Peay, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. Eastern, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. East Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. Marshall, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. Middle Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. Union, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. Western, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Morehead vs. W. Va. Tech Saturday, October 8, 1960, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
"More Real and Less Factual:" Teacher Decision-Making about Place-Based Topics in Rural Secondary Classrooms, Timothy G. Thomas
More Trouble for Rowan, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Morhead State vs. Murray State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Mornings by the Sea, Ben Shahn
Morris L. Norfleet, Yang Neng Chiang
Moses, Unknown
Moses in the Bullrushes, Lillian Barker
Mountain Rural Telephone Cooperative, Nicholas Salyers
Move-in Day 2019, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mrs. Doran, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mrs. Doran, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mrs. Doran, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Mr. Warren Alderson, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ms. Doran in Hats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
MSU Baseball "Portrait of Success" Baseball Media Guide, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU Basketball 1974-1975 Guide, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU Clip Sheets, 1986-1997, University Communications Office
MSU formally takes over new 'Enterprise Center', Licking Valley Courier
MSU Sign Installation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
MSU Sign Installation, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
MSU vs. Austin Peay, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Cumberland College, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Eastern Kentucky / Eagles vs. Wright State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Middle Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Middle Tennessee, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Mississippi Valley State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Nicholls State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Northeastern Illinois, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Rio Grande College, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Southeast Missouri / MSU vs. Eastern Illinois, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Tennessee-Martin, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Tennessee-Martin / MSU vs. Murray State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Tennessee State / MSU vs. Austin Peay, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Tennessee Tech, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Tennessee Tech, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. West Virginia State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
MSU vs. Youngstown State, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Multisensory Strategy Instruction for Vocabulary Acquisition and Maintenance, Sherry L. Shultz
Music Department, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Music Department, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Music Department, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Music Department, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Must Have Been Out Of Our Minds Morehead State Country Band, Styx Hicks
My Old Kentucky Home, Haddon Sundblom
Myriophyllum spicatum Invasion in Cave Run Lake, Kentucky, Rob A. Tewes
Myth and Reality in Kentucky History, John E. Kleber
Natalie Harris Interview, Natalie Harris and Christian M. Wright
Native Son, Austin Productions, Inc.
Nefertiti, Austin Productions, Inc.
Neighborhood Watch "Old" Style, Joan Dance
Nesbitt Swimming Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Nesbitt Swimming Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Nesbitt Swimming Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Nesbitt Swimming Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
New Camptown Races Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Newspaper Clippings, 1922-1925, Various newspapers
Nicholas Deem Interview, Nicholas Deem and Emma Collins
Nick Anderson Interview, Nick Anderson and Jacob Bush
Night Shift at B.L. Currie's, David Lucas
Norflect, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Norflect Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Norflect Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Norflect Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Norflect Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Norflect Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Norflect Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal School Goes to Morehead, Hartford Herald
Normal School Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal School Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Normal School Reunion, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Not Exactly the Square Thing, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
No title, Mell Popenic
No title, Brett Johnson
No title, Lana Hake
NP Predicates and Full Saturation, Thomas S. Stroik
Nursing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Nursing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Nursing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Nutrient Chemistry of a Reconstructed Forested Wetland in Rowan County, Kentucky, David M. Blevins
Occupational Safety Reports, 1984-1997, Environmental Health & Safety Office.
Office Files, 1931-1998, Human Resources & Payroll Office
Ohio River Flood of 1937 and Aftermath, Tyler Ward
Old Microfilm Records, 1923-1988, Registrar's Office
One Schools Turnaround Journey: Facing Reality, Determining the Big Rocks, and Keeping the Eye on the Prize, Kelly A. Foster
Online vs. Face-to-Face Instruction: Similarities, Differences, and Efficacy, David Barnett and Lola Aagaard
Only Armed Men at Morehead, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
On Middle Formation: A Reply to Zribi-Hertz, Thomas S. Stroik
On the structure of psych-verb constructions, Thomas S. Stroik
On Thursday, Hazal Green Herald
Opal LeMaster, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimism in the Drama of William Saroyan, Joyce Ross
Optimist Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimist Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimist Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimist Club, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimist Club, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimist Club, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Optimization and Stress Analysis of a Single Stage Rotary Compressor Shaft, Arjunkumar Tummuri
Orchestra, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Orchestra, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Orchestra, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Outcomes Assessment: A Model for a Private Two-year College, D. Fred Landrum
Outdoor Track 1977 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Oval Plate, Unknown
Over State Lines: Somewhere Between, Melodie Past
Pack Horse Librarians of Kentucky, Joe Davis
Pamela Hammonds Interview, Pamela Hammonds and Christian M. Wright
Parachute Play, Stephen Tirone
Pardon Me Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Parent Resources and High School Quality in the Context of the Rural Gap in Postsecondary Educational Attainment, Edward B. Reeves
"Parents Weekend" Morehead State University Eagles vs Salem College Tigers, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Partial Characterization of Na+, K+-ATPase and its Gill and Antennal Gland Osmoregulatory Role in the Crayfish, Orconectes putnami, Michael E. Fultz
Patrick C. Perkins Interview, Patrick C. Perkins III and Jacob Bush
Patterns of Avifauna use of Constructed Wetlands in the Beaver Creek Wetland Complex, Menifee County, Kentucky, Michael E. Kenawell
Paul Bunyon, Leonardo Artwork Inc.
P.D.I. Class, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Pedagogical Impact of Daily Game Playing in Online Courses, Kenneth V. Henderson and Barbara M. Lyons
Perceived Athletic and Academic Stressors and Time Management of Student-Athletes, Steve S. Chen, Amanda Miller, and Tsung-chin Chiu
Perception of the Ames Distorted Room as a Function of Active vs. Passive Training, Antoinette B. Dyer
Perceptions Concerning Obstacles, Stereotypes and Discrimination Faced by Female Sports Reporters and Other Female Sports Professionals, Steve Chen, Tess Hyre, and Monica Larson
Perceptions of the Role of Middle School Counselors, Jeffrey L. Huffman
Perched Bald Eagle, James Fenwick Lansdowne
Performance Analysis of Coal-Fired Boiler and Natural Gas Fired Boiler at Morehead State University, Devender Banne
Performance Analysis of Multicarrier Code Division Multiple Access (MC-CDMA) Systems, Pravinkumar Patil
Performance and Analysis of Transfer Control Protocol Over Voice Over Wireless Local Area Network, Rajendra Patil
Performance Testing an Inline Network Intrusion Detection System Using SNORT, Richard Wagoner
Perpetuation Excellence in Teaching, Leadership, and Learning (PETLL): Pilot Implementation Study, Henry Webb and Jeff Hawkins
Personal Development Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Personal Development Institute, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Personality Disorders as Maladaptive Variants of General Personality Traits: A Subclinical Approach, Stephanie N. Mullins-Sweatt
Personality Relative to Performance in Collegiate Baseball, John R. Kurtz
Phi Alpha Theta, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Phi Alpha Theta, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Phi Alpha Theta, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Phi Alpha Theta, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Phi Alpha Theta, Rho Eta Chapter Records, 1968-1994, History Department.
Phi Beta Lamda, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Philley & Jenkins Class, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Philley & Jenkins Class, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Photographs & Slides, 1980-2005, Student Housing Office
Phylogenetic analysis of the Lancinae (Gastropoda, Lymnaeidae) with a description of the U.S. federally endangered Banbury Springs lanx, Charles Lydeard, David C. Campbell, and Stephanie A. Clark
Physiological Comparison of Plaque-producing and Non-plaque-producing Streptococci with Emphasis on Mannitol Utilization, Brenda Castle
Picket Fence, Trees and Flowers, Unknown
Picking Pedagogical Practices Students Prefer: An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Teaching Tools in Face-to-Face Versus Online Delivery, Bruce K. Grace, Kenneth Henderson, and Barbara Lyons
Pieta, Michelangelo
PKP Banquet, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
PKP Banquet, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Plate, Unknown
Plate, Unknown
Plate, Unknown
Plat of Queen City, Rowan County, Kentucky, Unknown
Police Chief Merrell J. Harrison, Merrell J. Harrison and Christian M. Wright
Political Actors and Boundaries in the Public Proclamations of Osama Bin Laden, Daniel Aaron Bradley
Political Culture and the Foundations of State Administrative Law and State Administrative Procedure Acts, Brian M. Weber
Polychrome "Mei-D'ing" Vase, Unknown
Population Dynamics of Peromyscus Leucopus, Maxwell S. Sanders Jr.
Pornography and Rape Myths in Paranormal Romance Novels, Lesley Erin Dennis
Portrait of Adron Doran, Ogden
Portrait of Charles Slaughter Morehead, Unknown
Portrait of Cora Wilson Stewart, Sam McKinney
Portrait of James Still, Sam McKinney
Portrait of James Turner Morehead, Unknown
Portrait of Mignon Doran, Unknown
Portrait of Mignon Doran, Watson Jones
Portrait of Mignon Doran, Personal Development Office, Watson Jones
Portrait of Patti Bolin, Unknown
Portrait of William R. Seaton, Unknown
Potential New Method: A Comparability Study of M-Coliblue24 and M-Endo LES for the Verified Recoveries of Total Coliforms and E. Coli, Kevin Robert Geotz
Powder Puff Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Powder Puff Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Powder Puff Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Powder Puff Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Powder Puff Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Powder Puff Football, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Preferred and Nonpreferred Color as Irrelevent Background in Paired Associate Learning, Margaret Ann Kenner
Preliminary Nutrient Uptake Studies of Experimental Vegetative Covers at the Maxey Flat Low-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal Site, Donna Lynn Cassity
Preparation and Reactions of 2-Benzo [b] Thienylsodium, Larry Kennard
President Jay Morgan Interview, Joseph (Jay) A. Morgan and Christian M. Wright
President Jay Morgan, Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
President's House, Yvonne Baldwin
President's Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
President's Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
President's Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
President's Luncheon, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Press Releases, 1981-2010, Athletics Department.
Preston the Hypnotist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Preston the Hypnotist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Preston the Hypnotist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Preston the Hypnotist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Preston the Hypnotist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Preston the Hypnotist, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Primary Productivity and Species Composition of a Reconstructed Wetland in Eastern Kentucky, Eric C. Webb
Principles of Safety in Physical Education and Sport, Lynne Fitzgerald and Neil J. Dougherty IV
Problems in the Evaluation of Children's Art, Linda Chaffins
Processing Angry and Happy Faces: The Effect of Perceptual Load and Familiarity, Peter D. Petronio
Production of Iodinated Compounds and the Effect on Strobilation in Aurelia aurita, William J. Welch
Professional Development Practices and Teachers' Perceptions of Classroom Impact, Coletta Parsley
Professor Alan Scott Interview, Alana Scott and Christian M. Wright
Professor Dirk Grupe Interview, Dirk Grupe and Christian M. Wright
Professor Steve Middleton Interview, Steve Middleton and Christian M. Wright
Proficient or Deficient? Pre-service Elementary Teachers' Social Studies Content Knowledge in the Era of NCLB, Kimberlee Anne Sharp and Kimberely Fletcher Nettleson
Profile of a Woman, Mike Adejumo
Projected Economic and Financial Benefits of the 2017 Summer Universiade Games., Steve S. Chen, Teame Ghirmay, Yi-hua Lee, Chie-der Dongfan, and Tsung-Chih Chiu
Project Elevation: An Implementation Guide for a Student Retention Program, Tiffany S. Minard
Project Newgate Records, 1969-1976, Research & Development Center. and Personal Development Institute.
Properties of Flat-spectrum Radio-Loud Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies, Dirk Grupe
Prostacyclin and Thromboxane A2 in the Atherosclerosis Susceptible and Super Susceptible White Carneau Pigeon, Janet Melvin Royer
Proximal Factors Predicting Student Performance in a Self-Paced College Psychology Course, Ronald L. Skidmore
PSO J318.5-22, NASA JPL, Dan Goods, and David Delgado
Public Meeting at Morehead, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Public Opinion of Local News Outlets in Huntington, West Virginia, Joshua Bryant
Published Reports, 1951-2017, University Library
Puerto Rico: Race, Ethnicity, Culture, and Physics Teaching, Wilson J. Gonzalez-Espada and Rosa E. Carrasquillo
Rachel Rodgers Interview, Rachel Rodgers and Jacob Bush
Racine, Lavon Williams
Racist Chain Email, WCPO Cincinnati. and Kristen Swilley
Radiological Monitoring of Select Faunal Species Indigenous to Environs of the Maxey Flats Shallow Land Burial Facility, Robert Bruce Burns
Rajant Corporation in Morehead, Kentucky, Megan Woods
Ram, Lonnie Money and Twyla Money
Ram Cane, Tim Lewis
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ramsey/Lewis Trio, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rare and Unique Mineral Replacement of Fossils from the Lower and Middle Parts of the Borden Formation, Northeastern Kentucky, Charles E. Mason and Joseph H. Gilbert
Rationale and Procedures for Implementating a Computer Education Degree at Morehead State University, Barbara P. Walters
Ray Charles Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ray Charles Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ray Charles Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ray Charles Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ray Charles Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Ray Charles Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reaching Out to Their Cultures: Building Communication with Asian-American Families, Wenju Shen and Weimin Mo
Reactions to men’s and women’s counterproductive work behavior, Jonathan K. Nelson
Reactions to men’s and women’s counterproductive work behavior, Jonathon K. Nelson, Whitnel Botsford Morgan, Eden B. King, and Victor S. Mancini
Reasoning about the Ability of Self and Others: A Developmental Study, John G. Nicholls and Arden T. Miller
Rebel Outrage in Kentucky, Frankfort Daily Commonwealth
Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reception, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Red Bird, Hugo Sperger
Re: Definition, Unknown
Red Horse, Paul Cox
Reed Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reed Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reed Hall, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reflections on the n+k Dragon Kings Problem, Richard D. Chatham
Regional Disparities in Kentucky Academic Index Scores, Edward B. Reeves and Harold Harty
Reign of Terror in West Kentucky? (Part 1), Dieter C. Ullrich and Berry Craig
Reign of Terror in West Kentucky? (Part 2), Dieter C. Ullrich and Berry Craig
Related Research on Class Size, Harry C. Mayhew
Relation of Shift Magnitude of Alkyl Substituents to Aromatic Substitution Patterns, Michael E. Evans
Relationship between Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity and Hormone Dependency in Rat Mammary Cancer, Lila S. Berry
Relative Influence of Landscape Indicators on Macroinvertebrate Communities in a Predominately Forested Watershed: Effects of Spacial Scale, Robert Johnson
Remember the Storms, Sara Cathryn Volpi
Renovation of Rader Hall, Lee Potter Smith and Pritchett, Hugg, and Carter Architects and Engineers
Repent Get Saved, Eric Pace and Jim Phillips
Report of Sam E. Hill, Adjutant General, Concerning the Riotous Section of the State, Hartford Herald
Representation in the Transition from the Articles of Confederation to the 1787 Constitution, Stephanie Ramsey Davis
Republican Meeting, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Requirement for Protein Synthesis in Adrenocorticotropin Stimulated Steroidogenesis of Isolated Rat Adrenal Cells, John G. Menke
Research Design for the use of Manipulatives and Peer Collaboration, Lesia Lennex
Research Reports, 1983-1992, Office of Institutional Research and Analysis
Residence Hall Tour, Student Housing Office
Residual Fluometuron Levels in Three Arkansas Soils under Continuous Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) Production, C. Brent Rogers, Ronald E. Talbert, John D. Mattice, Terry L. Lavy, and Robert E. Frans
Respiratory Therapy Program Records, 1988-1993, Respiratory Therapy Program.
Response of Channel Catfish, Ictaluri Punctatus, T-Lymphocytes to Outer Membrane Proteins of Edwardsiella Ictaluri, Marlin Ann Lawson
Retirement Dinner, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Retirement Dinner, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reviving Rowan Troubles, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Revolutionizing Biography: "Orlando", "Roger Fry", and the Tradition, Elizabeth Cooley
Reynolds, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reynolds, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Reynolds, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
RGB Screens: Some Fun Optics, Jennifer J. Birriel
Richard and Mike with Dogs, Guy Skaggs and Dollie Skaggs
Rifle Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rifle Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rifle Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rifle Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Right Must and Will Succeed: Excerpts from the letters of Sergeant Edmund Burke Wylie, Company K, 31st Iowa Infantry Regiment, Dieter C. Ullrich
River News, Madison Daily Herald
Roach Terminator, Minnie Adkins
Roadblocks to the Principalship Faced by Females, Sarah Elam Farrow
Road to Success for At-Risk Ninth-Grade Students, Anthony Jamar Mills
Robert J. Breckenridge, Unknown
Roger Grace, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Role of Clinical Practice in Teacher Preparation: Perceptions of Elementary Teacher Candidates., Delar K. Singh
Rolling a Joint, David Lucas
Ronald G. Eaglin, Yang Neng Chiang
Rookie Season: Build to Achieve, Christopher Aker
Rooster, Calvin Cooper
Rooster, John Fairchild
Rooster, Calvin Cooper
Rooster, Linvel Barker
Rooster, Linvel Barker
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County Comes to the Front Again, Semi-Weekly Interior Journal
Rowan County - Cut off at Triplett's Bridge, Louisville Daily Democrat
Rowan County - Fight at Triplett Bridge, Louisville Daily Journal
Rowan County High School, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County (KY.) Circuit Court Commonwealth Docket No. 3., Rowan County (KY.) Circuit Court
Rowan County - Prisoner taken at Triplett's Bridge, Louisville Daily Democrat
Rowan County Senior Center, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County Senior Center, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County Senior Center, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County Senior Center, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County - State Normal School, Mount Sterling Advocate
Rowan to be Abolished, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Ruby Red Vase, Unknown
Ruth Lappin Teacher’s Notebook, 1932-1934, College of Education
S.A.E, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Salt Lick School, Cliff Johnson
Saying Goodbye To My Freshman Dorm | Move Out With Me | Morehead State University, Kathy _Tomato11
School Days, Bill Granstaff
School District's Instructional Per-Pupil Expenditure during the Initial Years of the Kentucky Education Reform Act, Michael W. Kessinger
Science Is Doing, Robert D. Boram
Scrapbooks, 1935-1977, American Association of University Women, Morehead State University Branch
Seahorse, Tim Lewis
Seated Goat, Lonnie Money and Twyla Money
Second Adolescence, Ted Gordon
Secrets in a Box, Charlotte Joann Cain
Sediment-Water Nutrient Flux in Tidal Creeks of North Inlet, South Carolina, Michael Duane Quillen
Seeking Solutions to Geographic Injustice: The Impact of Distance on Rural Secondary School Students, Charles Douglas Ward
Seismic Evaluation and Optimization of Reinforced Concrete Multistory Building, Ahmed Abdallah
Selecting the Best Network for the LabView Remote Control System to Achieve Better Performance, Sivakrishna Nannapaneni
Selecting the Right College: An Electronic Guide for Counselors and Students, Markham B. Schack
Self Portrait on Horseback Holding Sign, Minnie Adkins
Semantics and an Operable Definition of Art; With Implications for Inclusion of Art Criticism into the Curriculum, Bill Cooksey
Senate Bill 14: Act to Establish Two Normal Schools, Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1922
Serpent Queen of the Seas, Robert Morgan
Sexual Attitudes and Behavior as a Function of Religiosity in the Appalachian College Student, Kimberly Kay McClanahan
Sexual Differentiation of the Rat Hypothalamus: An Evaluation of Sexual Behavior and Hypothalamic Morphology following Neonatal Manipulation, Michael C. Stamper
SGA, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
SGA Officers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
SGA Officers, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Shakespeare, Austin Productions, Inc.
Sharky School, Cliff Johnson
Sheriff Hogg, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Sheriff W. C. Humphrey, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Short communication: Effects of fluoxetine on lactation at weaning in sheep, Patricia L. Harrelson
Should the English Grammar Rule be to Always End Your Sentence in a Preposition?, April Fugett-Fuller
Sickle Bar Mower, Red Reffitt
Sightseers Block Morehead Roads, Portsmouth Times
Sight, Sound, Action: Microteaching Experiences For Vocational Home Economics Students, Jane C. Ellington and Harry C. Mayhew
Sigma Pi, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Single Inverted Pendulum System Controller: System Study and Comparison, Cheng Cheng
Skip to My Lou, Joan Dance
Sky Full, Patrick Hughes
Slipping and Sobriety; the Functions of Drinking in Alcoholics Anonymous, David R. Rudy
Small Saucer, Unknown
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Morehead State University 1982 Eagles, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Social Class and the College Experience of Students in Kentucky: An Exploratory Study, Ainsley Lambert
Social Density and Public Ritual in Non-Industrial Communities: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, Edward B. Reeves and Rpbert A. Bylund
Social Information Processing and Emotion Regulation: Relationships with Attachment and Social Competance in At-Risk Preschoolers, Erin R. Baker
Social Neglect of the Inequality of the Native American Peoples, Loretta K. Carroll
Social Science in INTSORMIL's Attack on Hunger in Sudan, Edward B. Reeves and C. Milton Coughenour
So Long, Goodbye, We're Through Morehead State Bluegrass Band, Styx Hicks
Some Results for Chessboard Separation Problems, Richard D. Chatham and Paul A. Burchett
Some Tubular Fossils (Sphenothallus: "Vermes") from the Middle and Late Paleozoic of the United States, Charles Mason and Ellis L. Yochelson
Sonny Allen Photograph Collection, circa 1930s-1980s, Athletics Department.
Sorrow and Hope, Hugo Sperger
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project VI. Reverberating Disk Models for NGC 5548, Dirk Grupe
Special Olympian, Minnie Adkins
Special Train carrying the State Troops, Big Sandy News
Sports Camp, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Sports Camp, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Sports Camp, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Spotted Cat, Calvin Cooper
Spring Gardening, David Lucas
Spring Sports '70 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Springtime in Wolfpen, Doug Adams
Square Dancing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Square Dancing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Square Dancing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Square Dancing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Square Dancing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Square Dancing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Stage Band/Deaton, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Stage Band/Deaton, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Stage Band/Deaton, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Stage Band/Deaton, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Stage Band/Deaton, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Stage Band/Deaton, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
State Constitutions, Industrial Recruitment Incentives, and Japanese Automobile Investment in Mid-America, William C. Green
State Guards at Morehead, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Statement, Spring 2019, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
Statement, Summer 2018 (online edition), Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
Statement, Summer 2019, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
Statement, Summer 2020, Morehead State University. Alumni Association.
Statement, Winter 2020, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
State Troops, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Stephen Foster, Unknown
Steriodogenesis in Mouse Preimplantation Embryos, Marcia E. Kendall
Straight Back Chair, Chester Cornett
Strategies used to enable CTE programs to be high performing in Kentucky, Steven A. Stubbs and Joyce A. Stubbs
Student Performance at College Level Introductory Computer Courses – Does Gender and Maturity Play a Role?, Sam Nataraj
Study of Achievement Gaps in the Seventh Grade Special Education Population on CATS Assessment in All Content Areas, Brandy M. Lain
Study of a Thematic Unit on Appalachian Cultural Heritage and Effect on Attendance and Attitude Toward School, Charlene Nunn
Supernova remnants in M33: X-ray properties as observed by XMM–Newton, Thomas G. Pannuti
Surface Level, Chris Holbrook
Swamp Forests on High Terrace Deposits in the Bluegrass and Knobs Regions of Kentucky, Leslie E. Meade, William Meijer, J. J. N. Campbell, and Howard Setser
Sweet Sorghum as an Alternative Cellulosic Biofuel in Eastern Kentucky, Sarah A. Hazenfield
Swift Monitoring of NGC 4151: Evidence for a Second X-Ray/UV Reprocessing, Dirk Grupe
Swim Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Taboo in the Classroom: Sex Education Experiences of 4 Adults having Intellectual Disabilities, Natalie M. Peterson
Take a Picture. It'll Last Longer., James Gardner
Takes All Kinds to Cause the Earth to Spin, Mark Anthony Mulligan
Takes All Kinds to Cause the Earth to Spin, Mark Anthony Mulligan
Taking the Pledge: The Commitment Process in Alcoholics Anonymous, David R. Rudy and Arthur L. Greil
Tannington, Unknown
Tansley-Morinson Home, Unknown
Tchaikovsky, Jack Coughlin
Teacher Evaluation Criteria: A Consensus in Eastern Kentucky, James M. Brown
Teacher's Desk, Charles Spaulding
Teaching Algebra with a Functional Application to Students with Moderate Intellectual Disability, Suzannah M. Chapman-Johnson
Teaching Freshman Composition: A Manual For Beginning Instructors, Cynthia Howton Anderson
Teaching in Other Countries: An Overview of the Opportunities for Teachers from the U.S.A., Ray D. Bernardi
Tea Cup, Unknown
Teakettle, Unknown
Team Communication and a Model of Team Training, Deepa Oommen
Teamwork from the Golden-Age Pirates: Could this Strategy Work in Today’s Contemporary Sports Setting?, Steve S. Chen and Eric Street
Teapot, Unknown
Techniques of Neutralization and Prescription Drug Abuse in Three Eastern Kentucky Counties, Leah D. Arthur
Technology, Alienation, and the South Korean Factory Worker, Jerre R. Brimer
Television Evangelist, Ronald Cooper
Temptation of Eve, Donny Tolson
Ten Days at Camp Dent, Dieter C. Ullrich
Tennis '75 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Tennis Morehead State University 1983 Lady Eagles, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Tennis Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Tennis Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Tennis Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Tennis Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Tennis Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Tennis Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Generation of Sequence Diversity on Plasmids, Qingbei Zhang
That Arrant Scoundrel and Red-handed Murderer, Frankfort Roundabout
That Rowan Row, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
That Special Correspondent at Lexington, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The 316th Air Division (Defense) in Morocco: Operations Section 1957-1960, Michael W. Price
The Affect of Low Intensity, Progressive, Aerobic Exercise Training on Cardiovascular Function in the Diabetic Rat, Steven Michael Bauer
The Agrarian Legacy: A Study of Political Structure and Ideology in Modern China, Zuo Xiang
The Angelus, Jean Francois Millet
The Anti-Federalists: Forgotten Founders of Our Freedom, Sarah Elizabeth Wilson
The Artisan Teacher: A Field Guide to Skillful Teaching, Michael A. Rutherford
The Assessment of Antibiotic Resistance and Detection of Class 1 and Class 2 Integrons in Fecal Coliform Bacteria Isolated from the Triplett Creek Watershed, Rowan County, Kentucky, Tina Howard Ousley
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theatre, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
The Attitudes of High School Guidance Counselors in Scioto County, Ohio, Toward Vocational-Technical Education, Michael Lee Gampp
The Baptists and Ministeral Qualifications, Jimmie Don Willingham
The Bermuda Triangle: Lost in Transition, Kevin S. Koett and C. Thomas Potter II
The Black and Blue: Court-Martial of Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper, First Negro Graduate of West Point, C. Gerald Egelston
The Bookmobile, Joe Davis
The Career of Sociometry within Sociology, Sinasi Ozturk
The Castleman Light Artillery, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The Celebrated Black Explorer Stephen Bishop and Mammoth Cave: Observations by an English Journalist in 1853, Gary A. O'Dell
The Chinese Written Language Is More Than A Language, Lily Hwa
The City, Farm, and Wilderness: The Politics of Nature, Mariel L. Smith
The Civil War Letters of Andrew Lucas Hunt (Part 1), Dieter C. Ullrich
The Civil War Letters of Andrew Lucas Hunt (Part 2), Dieter C. Ullrich
The Connect Project: Branchess: Building Relationships and Nurturing Connectedness Harnessing every Student's Success, Martina R. Skidmore
The Constant Estrus Rat as a Source of Viable Ova, John C. Drake
The Contrast Between Reasoned and Impulsive Actions in Marie de France's Eliduc, Marc Glasser
The Court House of Rowan County, Cincinnati Daily Commercial
The Cultural Discontinuity Hypothesis: An Appalachian American Perspective in Eastern Kentucky, Timothy W. Connor
The Daily Republican of Ironton Claims, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The Decline of Western Civilization: How Value Relativism caused the Erosion of Western Philosophical Activity and Cultural Identity, Michael D. Alley
The Determination of Failure Occurring in the Stator Coil Winding due to the Over-Voltage using MATLAB Software, Ali Reza Alavizadeh
The Determination of the Time of Ovulation, First Cleavage, Subsequent Cleavage Divisions and Implantation in Female Mice Treated with Gonadotrophins, James William Weldon
The Development of a Curriculum Guide for the Teaching of Photoreactions on Plant Growth Under Artificial Light, Martha Norris
The Development of a Model School Policy Manual for the Morehead, Kentucky Rowan County School System, Karen Johnson Slone
The Development of a System of Techniques for Dissemination of Information for Region VII, Title III, E.S.E.A. Project, Virginia Francis Brajner
The Differentiation of the Concepts of Difficulty and Ability, Arden T. Miller and John G. Nicholls
The Dilemma of Government-Sponsored Enterprises: The Case for Reassessing Government Accountability, Jack P. Branum
The Economic Understanding of the First Semester Freshmen, Morehead State University, Fall, 1976, Betty Morrison
The Editorial Policy of the Louisville Courier-Journal as Regards Vietnam, John A. Mitchell
The Effect of an Inservice Workshop Concerning Special Needs Learners in Vocational Education on the Attitudes of Participating Teachers, Catherine W. Jensen
The Effect of a Rural High School Education and Other Factors on Science Grades, Standardized Science Scores, and Choosing a College Science Major, Heather S. Kindell
The Effect of Bar Holding Training on Subsequent Shock Escape Behavior under Different Shock Intensities in Rats with Septal Lesions, John W. Moore
The Effect Of Butyrate Feeding On Skeletal Muscle And Adipose Tissue Glucose Uptake, Sean Eric Thatcher
The Effect of Dimethylsulfoxide on the Infectivity of the T1-Coliphage, Grergory Kyle Reeder
The Effect of Exercise Training on Cardiovascular Dynamics in the Diabetic Rat, Nicole Marie Griffith
The Effect of Ginseng on Biofilm Formation by Wild Type and Mutant Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Premi Shekar
The Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Grayson Lake, Kentucky, Timothy W. Spier
The Effect of Para-Chlorophenylalanine and Scopolamine on Passive Avoidance in Chicks, Bruce A. Mattingly and James F. Zolman
The Effect of Quercetin-3-B-Rutinoside on Blood Coagulation and the Development of Atherosclerotic Lesions in Swines, Milford C. Jarrells
The Effect of Rutin on Swine Serum Cholesterol and Lipoproteins, Jimmy R. Salyer
The Effect of Selected Programmed Instructional Procedures upon the Development of Trombone and Euphonium Range, Richard E. VanDyke
The Effect of Septal Lesions and Postoperative Time Delay on a Shuttle Sidman Avoidance Task, Martin David Tier
The Effect of Time of Day on Approach-Avoidance Conflict Behavior, Orris Eugene Frazier
The Effect of Volunteering on the Attitudes of Selected Parents toward the Regular School Program, Jewell A. Cline
The Effects of Chlordane on Pregnant Mice and their Offspring, Timothy W. Leonard
The Effects of Cocaine and Morphine alone and in Combination on the Development of Behavioral Sensitization, James Espa Woods II
The Effects of Dietary Vitamin E Supplementation on Platelet Aggregation and Plasma Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein in Hypercholesterolemic Rats, Russell W. Thurman
The Effects of Dopamine Antagonists on the Development of Behavioral Sensitization to Cocaine, Todd Nichols Bonta
The Effects of lndividual and Social Factors on Academic Achievement and Learning Attitudes of Male and Female Students in Mathematics, Hui-Chen Chan
The Effects of Prenatal Injections of Adrenocorticotropin and Glucocorticoid on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Glycogen in Neonatal Rat Liver, Zindoga Tiz J. Bungu
The Effects of Prophylatic Protocols of Exercise and Tamoxifen on the Induction and Growth of Estrogen Dependent and Independent Rat Mammary Tumors, Robert H. Doepke Jr.
The Effects of Radiation and Temperature Stress on an Aquatic Ecosystem, Gene L. Samsel Jr.
The Effects of Response Lever Position on the Performance of Rats with Septal Lesions in a Lever-Press Shock-Escape Task, Edward Brooks Applegate III
The Effects of Rural High School on Attending College and Earning a Bachelor’s Degree? A Multivariate Longitudinal Analysis of a National Cohort of High School Seniors, Christopher S. Snyder
The Effects of School Location on Math and Science Achievement Trends: A Primer on Growth Modeling in Education Policy Research, Edward B. Reeves
The Effects of School Location on Math and Science Achievement Trends: A Primer on Growth Modeling in Education Policy Research, Edward B. Reeves
The Effects of Selected Aerobic and Conditioning Exercises on the Body Fat Level, Lean Body Weight, and Flexibility of the Collegiate Golfer, Dayna S. Brown
The Effects of Self Concept Experiences on Kindergarten Children, Irene C. Spears
The Effects of Septal Lesions on a Free Food vs. Response Produced Food Task, Teresa L. Cornett
The Effects of Social Facilitation on Reaction Time Performances of Persons Displaying Internal and External Personality Characteristics, Rebecca Lizann Youmans
The Effects of Symbols and Inclusion on Performance, Kristi J. Hamil
The Effects of the Absence of the Natural Father On Interpersonal Problem-Solving of Preschool Children, Barbara Kennedy Stanley
The Effects of the Accelerated Reader Program on Third Grade Elementary Students, Larry M. James
The Effects of the Selective Dopamine D1 Antagonist SCH 23390, on the Development of Behavioral Sensitization to the Putative Dopamine D3 Agonist, 7-OH-DPAT, Candice Marie Himmler
The Effects of Two Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Aroclor 1016R and Aroclor 1242R) on the Growth and Chlorophyll Production of Cultures of Selenastrum Capricornutum, Jude William Grosser
The Effects of Varying Light Exposure Times on the Colonization and Sporulation of Gigaspora margarita in the California Pepper, Mary E. Kirker
The Effects of Water Extracts from Juglans Nigra L. on the Germination of Native Deciduous Tree Species, Orman W. Conrad Jr.
The Embryonic Viability of the Constant Estrus Mouse, Claudia M. Hicks
The Essential 3: A University Partnership to Meet the Professional Learning Needs of Rural Schools, Shane C. Shope, Matthew Ohlson, Jerry Johnson, and Jennifer Rivera
The Essential Three (e3): A University Partnership to Meet the Professional Learning Needs of Rural Schools, Shane Shope, Jerry Johnson, Matthew Ohlson, and Jennifer Rivera
The Evaluation of Children's Growth and Its Impact Upon Health-Related Fitness, Robert W. Grueninger
The Evolution of Statesmanship in the United States: How the Democratization of Civic Education and Presidential Selection Transformed the American Executive, Andrew DePasquale
The Feasibility of Trophic Manipulation in Grayson Lake, Kentucky, U.S.A., Russell Walker Crawford
The First Report of the Lower Carboniferous Ammonoid Genus Eurites Found in the Continental United States from Madison County, Kentucky, Charles E. Mason, Robert Cordray, and James W. Simmons
The Following Amendment has been Passed, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The Galt House, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The Gender Gap in NAEP Fourth-, Eighth-, and Twelfth-Grade Reading Scores Across the Years 1992-2003, Beverly M. Klecker
The Governor orders Troops to Morehead, Frankfort Roundabout
The Guppy Ploy, Daniel S. Thomas and William J. Weikel
The Heart of Teaching: Using Emotional Intelligence to Improve Student Achievement, Scottie Billiter
The House of a Forgotten Tragedy, Helen Price Stacy and Licking Valley Courier
The Identification of Continuing Education Needs of Registered Nurses in Northeastern Kentucky, Pauline Ramey
The Impact of Dataseam Technology on Instruction in Reading and Mathematics at Johnson County Middle School, Rachel Holbrook
The Incidence of Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis Fouquet 1876 in Fish from two Freshwater Streams and Commercial Bait Shops of Rowan County, Kentucky, Lois Irene Parsons
The Influence of 17-B-Estradiol and Tamoxifen on Protein Profiles from In Vitro Cultured Preimplantation Mouse Embryos, Darrin D. DeMoss
The Influence of DUSO-2 and Study Skills on the Self Concept of Elementary Students, Ida Adams Maggard
The Influence of Janissary Music upon Selected Composition of Ludwig Van Beethoven, Jerry Len Weakley
The Integrated Humanities Course at the Secondary Level, Carole Sue Junk
The Interaction Between Characteristic Locus of Control and Control of Events on the Perceived Stress of Events, Jeffrey B. Harrison
The in Utero Development of Mouse Embryos after Cultivation in Vitro from Two-Cell to Blastocyst in 17B - Estradiol Treated Medium, Harley J. Schneider Jr.
The Isolation and Identification of Filamentous Fungi from Distribution Systems, Ground Water, Cisterns and Hemodialysis Water, Tammy J. Liles
The isolation and Identification of Legionella Species from Environmental Sites in Rowan County, Kentucky, Sabo E. Yakubu
The Isolation and Identification of Yeast-Like Fungi in Non-Active Tuberculosis Patients in Rowan County, Kentucky, Connie Harris Baker
The Jesse Stuart Homestead, Doug Adams
The Killing of Henderson Mullins, David Lucas
The Law and Order Party, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Thelma Stovall visit, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
The Long Term Evolution of ASASSN-14li, Dirk Grupe
The Love Styles and Reactions to Romantic Betrayal, Melissa R. Bausmer
The Maloney Li'l Opry House and Kentucky Jam House in Maytown, Johnathan Keeton
The Morehead Eagles, Louisville Courier-Journal
The Mysterious Darlan, Morris Hawkins
The Needs and Resources of College Women at Morehead State University, Karen S. Graves
The Needs and Resources of Foreign Students at Morehead State University, Bee Lan Ong
The New Hampshire Primary, Stuart S. Sprague
The Odyssey of Depo-Provera: Contraceptives, Carcinogenic Drugs, and Risk Management Analyses, William Green
The Path Containment Condition And Argument Structure, Thomas S. Stroik
The Perfect Body: A Potential Pathway of Anorexic Symptom Development in Women, Timothy S. Thornberry and Nicholas Dawson
The Potential for Inoculation Messages and Post-Inoculation Talk to Minimize the Social Impact of Politically Motivated Acts of Violence, Morgan C. Getchell
The Predictors and Outcomes of Customer Loyalty in B2C E-Commerce, Rui Zhang
The Presidential Election of 1812, Steven E. Siry
The Relationship between Locus of Control and Self-Reported Academic Achievement, Stephanie L. Shepherd
The Relationship between Math Self-Efficacy and Completion Rates of Developmental Math Students, Kendra Schroeder
The Relationship between Teachers' Years-of-Teaching and Students' Mathematics Achievement, Beverly M. Klecker
The Relationship of Gender Role Attributes and Perception of Sexual Issues, Stephanie J. Cunningham
The Relationship of MyMathLab to the Achievement of Mathematics I Students at Marion Technical College, Teressa Plummer
The Relationship of Participation in Head Start and Kindergarten Readiness, Maxine C. Brown
The Relationship of Selected Grips to Pitching Velocity, Orville Leston Stewart
The Remilitarization of the Rhineland, Yvonne Honeycutt Baldwin
The Response of the Black Community in Mississippi to the Dixiecrat Movement in 1948, Walter McClusky Hurns
The Restoration Movement's Attitude Toward Slavery, Warren Ray Kelley
The RN to BSN Online Program at Morehead State University, Sarah Meade
The Role of a Curriculum Coordinator, Betty Mays Todd
The Role of Life Review in the Negotiation of ldentity in the Elderly and Dying, Edith Kathleen Robertson Sheehan
The Role of Macroeconomic and Group Threat in Prejudice, Aaron Hass
The Role of Openness in Interracial Interactions, Kathleen A. Klik
The Rowan County Trouble does not Seem to be Over, Hartford Herald
The Rowan County War, Huntington Advertiser.
The Rowan Investigation, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The Rowan War, the Martin House Burned, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The Same Here, Pete, Richmond Climax
The Shadow Boxer, Dale Greer
The Silent Screams: Recognizing Abused Children, Jean Wilson, Dan Thomas, and Linda Schuette
The Silurian of central Kentucky, U.S.A.: Stratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology, Charles E. Mason, F. R. Ettensohn, and C. E. Andrews
The Social Consciousness of Mark Twain, Rose W. Caudill
The Social-Psychological Grief Environment of Male Prison Inmates, William T. Edwards
The Soldier Boys in Rowan, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
The State of Hispanic Education in Kentucky School Districts, Victor Ballestero and Sam Wright
The Systems Approach to Higher Education Management and Its Application to an Orientation Program, Russell Ried McClure
The Thinker, Unknown
The Transformation of Chinese Only-child Parents in Empty-nests, Fujuan Tan
The Trial of the Tolliver Faction, Hazel Green Herald
The Trials are Now Progressing at Morehead, Semi-Weekly Interior Journal
The Unexpected, Long-Lasting, UV Rebrightening of the Super-Luminous Supernova ASASSN-15lh, Dirk Grupe
The Uptake of Calcium by ISO Lines and Kentucky Varieties of Nicotiana Tabacum L., Francis J. Shay
The Use of Antibiotic Resistance Profiles to Access the Source of Fecal Contamination in the Rowan County, Kentucky Watershed, Logan Harrison Burns
The Use of Rat Liver Cell Cultures for the Isolation of Histoplasma Capsulatum Darling, Allen Robert Riebau
The Vagabond and Horseman Out of Work, Charles Maynard
The Vascular Flora of the Tablelands: A Natural Region in the Northeastern Section of the Knobs of Kentucky, Kim L. Feeman
The War in Rowan, Hickman Courier
They Don't Tell the Truth, Hazal Green Herald
They Met at Lockridge's Mill, Dieter C. Ullrich
They took the Van: Ten Years of Political Abolitionism, the Liberty Party, 1839-1848, Doris Lynn Koch
Things left Unsaid: Our Connection and Disconnections, Cortney Paris
Thomas A. Day, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Thomas A. Day, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Tiger, Larry Hamm
Tiger and Peacock, Hazel Kinney
Time of Mating and Incidence of Conception and Implantation in the Post Partum Lactating Female Mouse, Paul A. Walter
Ting Cauldron with Cicada Decor, Unknown
Tinto, Pattieson, and the Theories of Pictorial and Dramatic Representation in Scott's "The Bride of Lammermoor", Daniel S. Butterworth
To Abolish Rowan, Unknown.
Too Hot to Handle: Lady Eagle Volleyball 1986, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Topless Waitress, Pam, Carl McKenzie
Towards a More User Friendly Technique for Predicting Photovoltaic Energy Output, Hans Chapman
Town comes together for lip sync, Lexington Herald-Leader and Karla Ward
Toyota 180L Spiral Radiator Hose Design to Six Sigma Goal, Tay-Shing Chen
T.P.I. vs. Morehead, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track Team, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Transformation Change via Disruptive Technology: Removing Education Barriers in K-12 through Distance and Blended Learning, Lisa Cluxton Jones
Transforming a High School Media Center into a Library Learning Commons, Nancy A. Chiara
Translation of Random Transcripts Generated by TdT: Potential Use in Polysome Peptide Libraries, Michael Lane Spencer
Trappist-1e, NASA JPL, Dan Goods, and David Delgado
Trends in the Use of Office Machines in Selected Areas of Kentucky, La Verne Belcher Adams
Trevor Hitch Interview, Trevor Hitch and Christian M. Wright
Tri-colour Glaze Pottery Horse, Unknown
Trinity School, Cliff Johnson
Trombone Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Troop Stationed at Morehead, Semi-Weekly South Kentuckian
Troublous Times, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Tuba Band, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Turtle, Tim Lewis
Two Bands of Desperadoes are Still Confronting Each Other, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Two Horses Drinking, Minnie Adkins
Two Reading Tests' Ability to Predict Academic Success, Oda Van Winkle
Tyler Baker Interview, Tyler Baker and Christian M. Wright
"Tzu Fu-Shin" Chüch Wine Vessel, Unknown
Uncle Pen Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Uncle Sam, Leonardo Artwork Inc.
Underglaze Blue and Enamel Colours, Unknown
Unicyclists, Chaim Gross
Union, Morehead, Berea K.I.A.C. Tournament Winners, Louisville Courier-Journal
University Administrative Regulations & Personnel Policies Manuals, 1985-2005, Human Resources & Payroll Office
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University Bill Signing, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
University of Miami vs. Morehead State College, University of Miami. Athletics Department.
University Women's Experiences of Sexual Coercion, Velma L. Campbell
Unnecessary Pain, Nutrition, and Vegetarianism, Jack Weir
Untitled, Howard & Assoc.
Untitled, Jeanette Stone
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Stephen Tirone
Untitled, Christine Barker
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Robie Scucchi
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Jim Oliver
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, E Shouse
Untitled, W Howard
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Francoise Gilot
Untitled, Man Erickson
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Peter Kitchell
Untitled, Peter Kitchell
Untitled, Peter Kitchell
Untitled, Peter Kitchell
Untitled, Peter Kitchell
Untitled, Peter Kitchell
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Buchanan Haller
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled (Red), G Brunken
U. S. Air Force Educational Programs: A Study of Success Lifelong Learning Process and Programs, Henry W. Easterling Jr.
Use of Computers at Morehead State University by Freshmen and Seniors During the Spring Semester of 1999, Debbie A. White
U.S. Forestry, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Using Avifauna to Access the Functional Success of the Restored Beaver Creek Wetlands near Cave Run Lake, Menifee County, Kentucky, Brian D. Wulker
Using Extrinsic Rewards to Increase High School Science Students' Academic Performance, Angela C. Stephens
Vaccinations and the Anti-Vaccines Movement, Monticia Dunn
Validity of the Revised Beta Examination Second Edition for Use with a Multiply Handicapped Population, Cluster Glenn Robbins Jr.
Value Stream Improvements using Kanban for the X-Workcell, Jason Noble
Valuing the Voiceless: Understanding Silent Students In and Out of the Classroom, Ray Ginter
Variation of Quantum Efficiency in CZTSSe Solar Cells with Temperature and Bias Dependence by SCAPS Simulation, Kent J. Price and Sanghyun Lee
Various University Departmental Records, 1949-2003, University Library
Vennettozzi, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Vicente Fox's Inaugural Address: A Comparative Analysis between the Generic Characteristics of the United States and Mexico, David Tarvin
Vice President Gregory Russell Interview, Gregory Russell and Christian M. Wright
View of Morehead State University looking West, William Howard
Vocational School, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Volleyball, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Volleyball Morehead State University 1982 Lady Eagles, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Volleyball Morehead State University 1996, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Vortex School, Cliff Johnson
V. Severy Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
V. Severy Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
V. Severy Group, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Wall Hanging Basket, Charley Kinney
Warehouse Truck, Noah Kinney
Warren C. Lappin, Walton Jones
Washday, Joan Dance
Watch out OVC - The Eagles are Loaded! 1985 Eagle Football Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Water Quality Analysis of Eastern Kentucky Reservoirs, Stephen E. Davis III
Way Down Deep Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Way Down Deep Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Wayne Andrews, Yang Neng Chiang
"We Are Going To Chattanooga": The diary entries of Private Van Buren Oldham, April 14, 1863 to September 21, 1863, Dieter C. Ullrich
Weatherby Gym Dec. 3, 1956 - Feb. 21, 1981 Souvenir Program "25 years", Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Weights, measures, and Meaning, Monir Feezor
Welcome Home to Strathmoor!, Mark Anthony Mulligan
Welcome Home to Strathmoor!, Mark Anthony Mulligan
Welfare in American Society: History of its Development, Reasons for its Inadequacy, and Suggestions for Improvements, Jessica Decker
We Pledge our Hands to Larger Service: Adopting a Service-Learning Pedagogy, Brandy Murray Calvert
Werewolf, Tim Lewis
Western Conquers Morehead, Louisville Courier-Journal
Western Lads Qualified, Louisville Courier-Journal
Western vs. Morehead, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
What Have We Learned From Process Models of Conversion? An Examination of Ten Case Studies, David Rudy
"What is all this War for Anyhow": The Battle of Paris, Tennessee, Dieter C. Ullrich
Wheeler Plaque, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Where Have I Heard the Name Before, Licking Valley Courier
White Hall, Woody Huston
White Hall, Unknown
White Lighting, Minnie Black
White-Tailed Deer Habitat Use on Surface-Mined Areas in Eastern Kentucky, Devetta A. Hill
W-Hollow, M. M. Selph
W-Hollow, the Jesse Stuart Homestead, Douglas Adams
Wildcats never trail, Clobber Morehead State 79-54, Lexington Herald-Leader and Josh Moore
Wilhelm Exelbirt Collection, Wilhelm Exelbirt and Regina Fried Exelbirt
William E. Barber, Unknown
William H Vaughan, Yang Neng Chiang
William J. Baird, Yang Neng Chiang
Will the Circle Be Unbroken Mountain Music Ambassadors, Styx Hicks
Wilted Roses, Eddie Horton
Wine Glasses, Unknown
Winter Owl, Jack Coughin
Winton Woods High School Graduate sent Racist Email, WCPO Cincinnati. and Kristen Swilley
Wires emitting from Marble base, Unknown
With Liberty and Justice for All?: An Examination of Racial Differences in Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System, Rhea Ashley Evans
WMKY, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman Lying in Grass, Unknown
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman's Club, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Woman with Comb and Mirror, Donny Tolson
Women Administrators in Higher Education in Kentucky: Demographics, Career Paths, and Perceptions, Carol Jinbo
Women's Fall Sports 1977, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Women's Fall Sports 1978, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Women's Tennis 1980-81 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Women's Track 1980 Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Athletics.
Wonder Window Series: My Guardian Angel, My Fairy Godmother, My Magical Mermaid, Samara Anjelae
Wooden Ducks, Unknown
Worship of the Golden Calf, David Lucas
Woven Basket, Charley Kinney
Wreck of the Rowanites, Hartford Herald
Wrestling Squad, Dieter C. Ullrich and Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere Morehead State Bluegrass Band, Styx Hicks
Young Democrats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Young Democrats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Young Democrats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Young Democrats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Young Democrats, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Zero-Adjective Contrast in Much-less Ellipsis: The Advantage for Parallel Syntax, Katy Carlson and Jesse A. Harris