Content Posted in 2018
1500 Visited Indian Rock, Portsmouth Daily Times
1938-1961 Athletic Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate., Morehead State Teachers College. Athletic Committee., and Morehead State College. Athletic Committee.
1957-1973 Faculty Senate Meeting Minute Drafts and Supplementary Materials, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
1980 Convocation and Faculty Orientation, Morris Norfleet and Morehead State University. Office of the President.
1984-1986 Desegregation Committee Meeting Minutes & Reports, Morehead State University. Desegregation Committee
1988 Corn Island Storytelling Festival, Kentucky Educational Television.
2016-03-18 Board Meeting Minutes and Material, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2017-11-30 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2017-12-07 University Graduate Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2017-2018 Common Data, Morehead State University. Institutional Research & Analysis.
2017 August, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2017 December, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2017 Fall Nutshell, Morehead State University. Institutional Research & Analysis.
2017 July, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2017 Move-In Day Preview, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2017 November, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2017 October, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2017 September, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2018-01-08 Message to Staff Members, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-01-08 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-01-08 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-01-10 Strategic Plan Message, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-01-18 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-01-18 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-01-26 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-02-01 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-02-01 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-02-05 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-02-05 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-02-09 Memo from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-02-09 Memo from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-02-09 PowerPoint Presentation made by the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-02-09 PowerPoint Presentation made by the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-02-15 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-02-15 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-02-20 The LUX Program, Morehead State University. General Education Review Task Force.
2018-02-26 Lexington Herald-Leader Interview with President, Lexington Herald-Leader
2018-02-28 Letter from the Chairperson, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-03-01 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-03-01 Organization Chart, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-03-05 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-03-05 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-03-06 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-03-08 Special Session Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-03-08 Special Session Meeting with President, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-03-15 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-03-15 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-03-21 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-03-29 Agenda Book, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-03-29 Amended Bylaws of the Board of Regents, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-03-29 Come Soar With Us: Vision & Strategic Plan, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-03-29 COSFL Statement on Kentucky Budget Bill, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Kentucky Coalition of Senate & Faculty Leaders
2018-04-02 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-04-02 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-04-05 Faculty Regent Report to the Faculty Senate, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Jonathan Pidluzny
2018-04-05 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-05 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-06 President's Message, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-09 Message from Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-04-12 Academic Freedom and Non-Tenured Track Faculty, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-12 Academic Freedom and the Law, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-12 PAc-12 Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-12 PAc-14 Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-12 Policies and Other Documents Related to Academic Freedom, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-19 Faculty Senate Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-19 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-23 PAc-2 Revision, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-04-26 Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Program Review, Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
2018-04-26 College of Business and Technology Self-Study, Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
2018-04-26 College of Education Program Review, Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
2018-04-26 College of Science and Technology Program Review, Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
2018-05-03 Faculty Senate Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-05-03 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-05-07 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-05-07 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-05-10 Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-05-14 Faculty Regent Report, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-05-17 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-06-00 2018-2019 Operating Budget, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-06-04 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-06-04 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-06-07 Agenda Book, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-06-19 Faculty Regent's Report, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-07-09 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-07-09 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-07-23 President's Message, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-08-06 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-08-06 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-08-16 Faculty Senate Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-08-16 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-08-28 President's Message, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-08-30 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-08-30 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-09-05 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-09-06 Agenda Book, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-09-06 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-09-06 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-09-10 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-09-10 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-09-11 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-09-20 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-09-20 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-09-27 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-10-01 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-10-01 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress
2018-10-04 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-10-04 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-10-15 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-10-18 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-10-19 Audit Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Board of Regents.
2018-10-29 Memo from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-10-30 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2018-11-01 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-11-01 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2018-11-05 Minutes, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-11-05 Newsletter, Morehead State University. Staff Congress.
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog, Morehead State University.
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog, Morehead State University.
2018 April, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 August, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 Fall Convocation Program, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
2018 February, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 January, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
2018 July, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 June, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 March, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 May, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 October, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
2018 September, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
2018 Spring Nutshell, Morehead State University. Institutional Research & Analysis.
30 Second Commercials for Morehead State University, Morehead State University. Office of Distance Learning.
35mm and 120mm Photographic Negatives Collection, 1964-1980, Communications & Marketing Office
35mm and 120mm Photographic Negatives Collection, 1979-1989, Communications & Marketing Office
67th Army Air Force Band, Wessel O. Peonie
7 Call For Resignation of Morehead President, Lexington Herald-Leader
A. B. and LaDonna Shearer, Richard and Frances Lee Bell Interview (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Allen B. Shearer; LaDonna Shearer; Richard William Bell; Frances Lee Bell; and Robert M. Rennick
A. bifascia - Florida Sand Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Accelerated Education – Is it worth it?, Nicholas Kessinger, Hunter Matthews, Kaitlynn Wheeler, and Michael W. Kessinger
Accents and prosodic phrasing influence wh-question interpretation, Joe Castle, Torianne Crouch, Katherine Griffitts, and Katy Carlson
Acinixys planicauda, Roger W. Barbour
Acinixys planicauda, Roger W. Barbour
Acinixys planicauda, Roger W. Barbour
A Comparison of Internet vs. Textbook Based Learning in Physics, Darren Brammell and Robert Boram
A Content Analysis of Select Universities' Undergraduate Percussion Audition Repertoire Requirements, Joe Miller and Brian S. Mason
A Contested Landscape Story Map: Campbell Farming Corporation and the Crow Indian Reservation in Big Horn County, Montana, Erin Long and Jason Holcomb
Acris crepitans blanchardi, Roger W. Barbour
Acris crepitans blanchardi, Roger W. Barbour
Adair County Bicentennial Edition, Columbia Statesman
Adair County - Columbia Statesman Bicentennial Edition, Columbia Statesman
Adair County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Adapting an organic chemistry course for the visually impaired, Joseph Cramer Schneider and Brandon G. VanNess
Adron Doran: A 90th Birthday Celebration, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Adron Doran: A 90th Birthday Celebration - Part 2, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing. and Adron Doran
Adron Doran: A 90th Birthday Celebration - Part 4, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing. and Adron Doran
Adron Doran's Retirement Announcement, Adron Doran and Morehead State University. Office of the President.
African American Males' Persistence in Attending College, Charles Holloway
Agkistrodon c. mokasen, Roger W. Barbour
Agkistrodon contortrix, Roger W. Barbour
Agkistrodon piscivorus, Roger W. Barbour
Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma, Roger W. Barbour
A Kentuckian Presents the Humor of Will Rogers, Gene McFall and Philip W. Conn
A Kentucky Town Votes Against a Culture War Rematch, Campbell Robertson
Ala Shearer Vickery Interview (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Ala Elizabeth Shearer Vickery; and Robert M. Rennick
Albert "Happy" Chandler, Morehead State College.
Albert "Happy" Chandler, Morehead State College.
Alces alces - Elk, Moose, Roger W. Barbour
Alces alces - Elk, Moose, Roger W. Barbour
Alces alces - Elk, Moose, Roger W. Barbour
A Legacy of Violence: The Impact of the French Revolution upon the Romanian Revolution of 1989, Kelsey L. May
Alexander Cather Interview - Part 1 (Muhlenberg County), Muhlenberg County, Kentucky; Alexander Cather; and Robert M. Rennick
Alexander Cather Interview - Part 2 (Muhlenberg County), Muhlenberg County, Kentucky; Alexander Cather; and Robert M. Rennick
Alfred and Melvina Wright Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Alfred E. Wright; Melvina Wheeler Wright; and Robert M. Rennick
Alfred and Melvina Wright Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Alfred E. Wright; Melvina Wheeler Wright; and Robert M. Rennick
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 01), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 02), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 03), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 04), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 05), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 06), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 07), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 08), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 09), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 10), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 11), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 12), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 13), Alfred Clark Bailey and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Oral History Interview (Part 14), Mary Glascock Bailey, Alfred Clark Bailey, and Marynell Young
Alfred Bailey - Photograph, Alfred Clark Bailey
Alfred Bailey - Photograph, Alfred Clark Bailey
Alfred Bailey - Photograph, Alfred Clark Bailey
Alfred Bailey - Photograph, Alfred Clark Bailey
A Lifetime of Healthy Living: Increasing Awareness of Healthy Lifestyles at the Haldeman Community Center, Kyle M. Smith and Joy L. Gritton
A Lifetime of Healthy Living: Unifying Awareness of Healthy Living Among Appalachia's Diversified Community, Kyle M. Smith and Joy L. Gritton
A literature review of the membership, roles, and processes of healthcare ethics committees, Benjamin P. Cain and Johnathan K. Nelson
Alligator mississippienis, Roger W. Barbour
Alligator mississippienis, Roger W. Barbour
Alligator mississippiensis, Roger W. Barbour
Allowing Family Members in the Room During CPR, Brandi Hatfield, Abigail Meade, Rachel Mullins, Adora Frost, Hannah Phillips, and Shelley Sadler
All Things Considered - James Still Interview, James Still and National Public Radio
Along Kentucky Eighty, Kentucky Educational Television., John Morgan, and John Ed Pearce
Alonzo Hicks Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Charles Alonzo Hicks; and Robert M. Rennick
Alonzo Hicks Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Charles Alonzo Hicks; and Robert M. Rennick
Alonzo Hurt Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Alonzo Winfrey Hurt; and Robert M. Rennick
Alonzo Hurt Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Alonzo Winfrey Hurt; and Robert M. Rennick
A Massive Water Guage Near Springville, Portsmouth Semi-Weekly Blade
A Master's Time: 80 Years for James Still, James Still and Kentucky Educational Television.
Ambloplites rupestris - Rock Bass, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma jeffersonianum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma jeffersonianum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma maculatum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma maculatum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma maculatum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma opacum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma opacum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma platineum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma platineum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma talpoideum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma talpoideum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma texanum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma texanum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma tigrinum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma tigrinum, Roger W. Barbour
Ambystoma tigrinum, Roger W. Barbour
A. meridiana - Southern Sand Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ammocrypta asprella - Crystal Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ammocrypta beani - Naked Sand Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ammocrypta clara - Western Sand Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ammocrypta pellucida - Eastern Sand Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ammocrypta vivax - Scaly Sand Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ammospermophilus harrisii - Harris' antelope-squirrel, Roger W. Barbour
Amphiuma means, Roger W. Barbour
Amphiuma means, Roger W. Barbour
Amy Schumer, Susan Sarandon give cqsh to Kim Davis' would-be opponent, Andrew Wlfoson
Analysis of gunpowder mill explosions in the United States from 1800-1865, Zachary Coots and Gary O'Dell
Analysis of Photovoltaic Energy in the Eastern Kentucky Region and the Residential Financial Feasibility, Joshua A. Johnson
Analyzing Plays and Collecting Monologues: Teaching Theatre To High School Students, Erin Long and Denise Watkins
Analyzing Thermal and Non-thermal X-ray Emission from Supernova Remnant RCW 86, Mikal T. Gibbs and Thomas G. Pannuti
Anderson County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Anderson County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Anderson County - The Anderson News Bicentennial Edition, Anderson News
Anderson News Bicentennial Edition, Anderson News
Aneides aeneus, Roger W. Barbour
Aneides aeneus, Roger W. Barbour
Animals as persons: to what extent are nonhuman animals also "persons"?, Raven Lacey and Jack Weir
An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Microfibers, Jonathan Bowling and Sahar Ghanem
Annadeen and J. P. Fraley - Oral History Interview (Part 05), Annadeen Fraley, J. P. Fraley, and Marynell Young
Annadeen Fraley - Oral History Interview (Part 01), Annadeen Fraley and Marynell Young
Annadeen Fraley - Oral History Interview (Part 02), Annadeen Fraley and Marynell Young
Annadeen Fraley - Oral History Interview (Part 03), Annadeen Fraley and Marynell Young
Annadeen Fraley - Oral History Interview (Part 04), Annadeen Fraley and Marynell Young
Annadeen Fraley - Photograph, Annadeen Fraley
Annamemys annamensis, Roger W. Barbour
Annamemys annamensis, Roger W. Barbour
Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions by Faculty and Staff, January to December, 2016, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Morehead State University.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Research Fellows from August 2014 to May 2015, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Morehead State University.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Research Fellows from August 2015 to May 2016, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Morehead State University.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Research Fellows from August 2016 to May 2017, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Morehead State University.
Annual Report of Undergraduate Research Fellows from August 2017 to May 2018, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Morehead State University.
Anolis carolinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Anolis carolinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Anolis carolinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Antilocapra americana - Pronghorn, Roger W. Barbour
Antilocapra americana - Pronghorn, Roger W. Barbour
Antilocapra americana - Pronghorn, Roger W. Barbour
Antilocapra americana - Pronghorn, Roger W. Barbour
Antrozous pallidus - Pallid Bat, Roger W. Barbour
Antrozous pallidus - Pallid Bat, Roger W. Barbour
An Unlikely Candidate - The Kim Davis Story, Liberty Counsel
Apalone ferox, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone mutica, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone mutica, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone mutica, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone mutica, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone spinifera emoryi, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone spinifera emoryi, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone spinifera hartwegi, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone spinifera hartwegi, Roger W. Barbour
Apalone spinifera spinifera, Roger W. Barbour
Aphredoderus sayanus - Pirate Perch, Roger W. Barbour
Aplodinotus grunniens - Freshwater drum, Roger W. Barbour
Aplodinotus grunniens - Freshwater drum, Roger W. Barbour
A Potential New Way to Reduce Bed Bug Infestations: Arthroshield 880, Kristian Sills, Anne Park, and Sean O'Keefe
Appalachian Genius, Appalshop, Inc.
Appalachian Geography, Gary C. Cox and Philip W. Conn
Appalachian Literature Past & Present, Jim Wayne Miller and Philip W. Conn
Appalachian Studies Movement, James Gifford and Philip W. Conn
A PROTOCOL TO ENHANCE NURSE-TO-NURSE COMMUNICATION DURING PATIENT HANDOFF, Hannah Chitkara, Kiristan Dials, Kati Schuh, Nick Thompson, Celena Wagner, and Mrs. White
Arboreal and terrestrial lichen species richness in Eagle Lake watershed, Jesseca R. Dale and Allen C. Risk
A Reflection of MSU, Ed Applegate
Arthur Barker: Appalachian Chairmaker, Arthur Barker and The Learning Tape, Capital
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 1 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 2 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 3 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 4 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 5 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 6 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 7 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 8 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Arthur Pope Interview - Part 9 (Johnson County), Johnson County, Kentucky; Arthur Pope; and Robert M. Rennick
Art of Miniatures - KAGE 2018, Lesia Lennex and Justin Elswick
Ashanti Figure Collection, James Still
'A slap in the face': Morehead laments plan to cut funds - for Kentucky Folk Art Center, Will Wright
A Spatially-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis of the Luminous Northeastern Rim of the Galactic Supernova Remnant W28 (G6.4-0.1), Sarah Norris and Thomas Pannuti
Assistive Technology and Affordability, Samantha Hearn, Maeghaen-Kaytlyn Flora, and Delar K. Singh
Association Between Law Enforcement and Media Portrayals, Mackenzie Tucker, Joshua Richmond, and Elizabeth Perkins
A Study of Delays and Cost Overruns in Construction Projects, Ibekwe Francis Chibuikem
A study of student learning comparing hands-on with traditional mathematics instruction with 10th grade high school students, Chelsea Brown and Robert Boram
Athletic Committee Meeting Minutes, 1938-1961, Faculty Senate. Morehead State University.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Athletic Teams, Morehead State College.
Attendance App using BioAPI framework in Java, Kelly Reid and Ashraf Aly
Audit Reports, 1984-1994, Board of Regents.
A Walk with Boone, Thomas D. Clark, John Mack Faragher, and Kentucky Educational Television.
A Walk with Simon Kenton, Kentucky Educational Television. and Keith W. Strandberg
Babb to Take Office Friday as Head of Morehead School, Lexington Leader
Baird is Chosen Morehead Prexy, Lexington Herald
Baird Named as President of Morehead, Lexington Leader
Ballard County, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Baptists - History in Kentucky, Works Progress Administration and Writer's Project
Barbara and Logan Ewell Interview - Part 1 (Laurel County), Laurel County, Kentucky; Logan Ewell; Barbara Ewell; and Robert M. Rennick
Barbara and Logan Ewell Interview - Part 2 (Laurel County), Laurel County, Kentucky; Logan Ewell; Barbara Ewell; and Robert M. Rennick
Barbara and Logan Ewell Interview - Part 3 (Laurel County), Laurel County, Kentucky; Logan Ewell; Barbara Ewell; and Robert M. Rennick
Barbara and Logan Ewell Interview - Part 4 (Laurel County), Laurel County, Kentucky; Logan Ewell; Barbara Ewell; and Robert M. Rennick
Barbara and Logan Ewell Interview - Part 5 (Laurel County), Laurel County, Kentucky; Logan Ewell; Barbara Ewell; and Robert M. Rennick
Barbara Kingsolver, Barbara Kingsolver and Kentucky Educational Television.
Barren County - Bicentennial Edition, Glasgow Daily Times
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Basketball Team, Morehead State College.
Batagur baska, Roger W. Barbour
Bath County - Bath County News-Outlook Heritage Edition, 1774-1974, Bath County News-Outlook
Bath County - Bath County News-Outlook Sesquicentennial Edition, Bath County News-Outlook
Bath County - Heritage Edition, Bath County News Outlook
Bath County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Beatrice Horner Interview (Lake County, Indiana) - Part 1, Lake County, Indiana; Beatrice Horner; and Robert M. Rennick
Beatrice Horner Interview (Lake County, Indiana) - Part 2, Lake County, Indiana; Beatrice Horner; and Robert M. Rennick
Beckham County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Beekeeping in the Southern Mountains, Roland Burns and Philip W. Conn
Bell and Harlan Counties Summary Report, Works Progress Administration and H. E. Bullock
Bell County Bicentennial Edition, Middelsboro Daily News
Bell County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Bell County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Best Practices for Teaching Reading to Secondary Students with a Specific Learning Disability: A Review of the Literature, Shelby Preston and Sherry Stultz
Betty Tuttle Interview (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Betty W. Tuttle; and Robert M. Rennick
Beulah Lykins Interview - Part 1 (Lewis County), Lewis County, Kentucky; Beulah Lykins; and Robert M. Rennick
Beulah Lykins Interview - Part 2 (Lewis County), Lewis County, Kentucky; Beulah Lykins; and Robert M. Rennick
Beyond Measure: Appalachian Culture and Economy, Appalshop, Inc.
Bill Buster and Glenn and Lelia Twyford Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; William Edward Buster; Glenn H. Twyford; Lelia May Turner Twyford; and Robert M. Rennick
Bill Buster and Glenn and Lelia Twyford Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; William Edward Buster; Glenn H. Twyford; Lelia May Turner Twyford; and Robert M. Rennick
Bill Buster and Glenn and Lelia Twyford Interview - Part 3 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; William Edward Buster; Glenn H. Twyford; Lelia May Turner Twyford; and Robert M. Rennick
Bill Koch Interview (Spencer County, Indiana), Spencer County, Indiana; William A. Koch; and Robert M. Rennick
Bill would Abolish College at Morehead, Lexington Leader
Bison, Roger W. Barbour
Bison - American Bison, Buffalo, Roger W. Barbour
Bison - American Bison, Buffalo, Roger W. Barbour
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 1, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 10, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 11, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 12, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 2, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 3, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 4, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 5, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 6, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 7, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion: (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 8, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Gospel Ensemble Reunion (Oct. 8, 2009)- Pt. 9, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Black Lives Matter and Police Misconduct, Ivan Benitez
Blarina brevicauda - Northern short-tailed shrew, Roger W. Barbour
Blarina brevicauda - Northern short-tailed shrew, Roger W. Barbour
Blarina brevicauda - Northern short-tailed shrew, Roger W. Barbour
Blarina carolinensis - Southern short-tailed shrew, Roger W. Barbour
Board Asks Norfleet To Meet on Contract, Lexington Herald-Leader
Bobbie Ann Mason, Bobbie Ann Mason and Kentucky Educational Television.
Bob Laughlin Interview, Robert G. Laughlin
Body Image Implications on Mental and Health Well-Being, Gabriela L. Alshafie, Zainab Anwar, and Tara Holaday
Boone Bounty - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Boone County - A Brief History of Boone County, Ann Lutes
Boone County: Along the River, Kentucky Educational Television. and John Morgan
Boone County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Both prosodic boundaries and accents influence attachment, Blake Clark
Bourbon County - Paris Post Office, Patty M. Biddle
Bourbon County - Place Names, Robert M. Rennick
Bourbon County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Bourbon County - Town Names, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Boyd County - 200 Years: A Bicentennial Tribute to Northeastern Kentucky, Ashland Daily Independent
Boyd County - 200 Years: A Bicentennial Tribute to Northeastern Kentucky, Ashland Daily Independent
Boyd County - General History, Works Progress Administration
Boyd County - Historical Sketch, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Boyd County - Place Names, Robert M. Rennick
Boyd County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Boyle County - 75th Anniversary Edition, Danville Advocate-Messenger
Boyle County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Bracken County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Bracken County - History, Works Progress Administration
Bracken County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Braille Band: A Refreshable Braille Wristwatch, Rachel Crum and Duane Skaggs
Brain Morphology of Madtom Catfishes (Noturus) Reflects Their Ecology, Autumn Goble and David J. Eisenhour
Breaking the Language Barrier, Jessica Hall and Philip Krummrich
Breathitt County, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Breathitt County - History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Breathitt County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Breckinridge County, Works Progress Administration and Robert M. Rennick
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Breckinridge School Annual, Morehead State College.
Brown Tucker Interview - Part 1 (Calloway County), Calloway County, Kentucky; Brown C. Tucker; and Robert M. Rennick
Brown Tucker Interview - Part 2 (Calloway County), Calloway County, Kentucky; Brown C. Tucker; and Robert M. Rennick
Brown Tucker Interview - Part 3 (Calloway County), Calloway County, Kentucky; Brown C. Tucker; and Robert M. Rennick
Brown Tucker Interview - Part 4 (Calloway County), Calloway County, Kentucky; Brown C. Tucker; and Robert M. Rennick
Brown Tucker Interview - Part 5 (Calloway County), Calloway County, Kentucky; Brown C. Tucker; and Robert M. Rennick
Brown Tucker Interview - Part 6 (Calloway County), Calloway County, Kentucky; Brown C. Tucker; and Robert M. Rennick
Buffalo Creek Revisited, Appalshop, Inc.
Bufo a. americanus, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo a. americanus, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo americanus charlesmithii, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo americanus charlesmithii, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo cognatus, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo quercicus, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo speciosus, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo speciosus, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo woodhusii fowleri, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo woodhusii fowleri, Roger W. Barbour
Bufo woodhusii fowleri, Roger W. Barbour
Bullitt County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Burlyn Pike Interview - Part 1 (Bullitt County), Bullitt County, Kentucky; Burlyn Pike; and Robert M. Rennick
Burlyn Pike Interview - Part 2 (Bullitt County), Bullitt County, Kentucky; Burlyn Pike; and Robert M. Rennick
Burlyn Pike Interview - Part 3 (Bullitt County), Bullitt County, Kentucky; Burlyn Pike; and Robert M. Rennick
Burlyn Pike Interview - Part 4 (Bullitt County), Bullitt County, Kentucky; Burlyn Pike; and Robert M. Rennick
Butch Scalf Interview Part 1 (Floyd County), Floyd County, Kentucky; Butch Scalf; and Robert M. Rennick
Butch Scalf Interview Part 2 (Floyd County), Floyd County, Kentucky; Butch Scalf; and Robert M. Rennick
Butch Scalf Interview Part 3 (Floyd County), Floyd County, Kentucky; Butch Scalf; and Robert M. Rennick
Cabell County - Bicentennial Edition, Herald Dispatch
Caldwell County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Caldwell County - Place Names, W. Leroy Baker
Caldwell County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Callagur borneoensis, Roger W. Barbour
Callagur borneoensis, Roger W. Barbour
Callagur borneoensis, Roger W. Barbour
Callorhinus ursinus - Northern, Pribilof, or Alaska fur seal, Roger W. Barbour
Callorhinus ursinus - Northern, Pribilof, or Alaska fur seal, Roger W. Barbour
Callorhinus ursinus - Northern, Pribilof, or Alaska fur seal, Roger W. Barbour
Callorhinus ursinus - Northern, Pribilof, or Alaska fur seal, Roger W. Barbour
Calloway County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Calvin Kinnett Student Papers - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky and Robert M. Rennick
Calvin Kinnett Student Papers - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky and Robert M. Rennick
Calvin Kinnett Student Papers - Part 3 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky and Robert M. Rennick
Calvin Kinnett Student Papers - Part 4 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky and Robert M. Rennick
Calvin Kinnett Student Papers - Part 5 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky and Robert M. Rennick
Campbell County - Campbell County Kentucky: History and Genealogy, Falmouth Outlook
Campbell County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Campbell County History and Genealogy, Campbell County History
Campbell County - Newport, Works Progress Administration
Campbell County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Campostoma c. anomalum - Central Stoneroller, Roger W. Barbour
Candidate forum: County Clerk, Brad Stacy
Canis latrans - Coyote (Spanish), Roger W. Barbour
Canis latrans Coyote - (Spanish), Roger W. Barbour
Canis lupus Coyote (Spanish), Roger W. Barbour
Canis lupus mexicana - Wolf (English); Lang (Chinese), Roger W. Barbour
Canis rufus - Red wolf, Roger W. Barbour
Canis rufus - Red wolf, Roger W. Barbour
Caretta caretta, Roger W. Barbour
Caretta caretta, Roger W. Barbour
Carettochelys insculpta, Roger W. Barbour
Carettochelys insculpta, Roger W. Barbour
Carettochelys insculpta, Roger W. Barbour
Caroline R. Miller Taulbee Research Papers, Caroline R. Miller
Carphophis a. amoenus, Roger W. Barbour
Carphophis amoenus, Roger W. Barbour
Carphophis amoenus vermis, Roger W. Barbour
Carpiodes carpio - River Carpsucker, Roger W. Barbour
Carroll County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Carroll County - Historic Carroll County, Carroll County Chamber of Commerce and Mary Masterson
Carroll County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Carroll County - Short History, Anna V. Parker
Carter County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Carter County Historical Edition, Carter County News
Carter County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Carter County - Towns & Villages, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Carved by Mound-Builders, Minneapolis Tribune
Casey County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Castor canadensis - Beaver, Roger W. Barbour
Castor canadensis - Beaver, Roger W. Barbour
Catfish: Man of the Woods, Clarence Gray and Appalshop, Inc.
Caudill to face Davis this November, The Morehead News
Cecil Charles Interview (Wayne, Union and Randolph Counties, Indiana) - Part 1, Wayne County, Indiana; Union County, Indiana; Randolph County, Indiana; Cecil Charles; and Robert M. Rennick
Cecil Charles Interview (Wayne, Union and Randolph Counties, Indiana) - Part 2, Wayne County, Indiana; Union County, Indiana; Randolph County, Indiana; Cecil Charles; and Robert M. Rennick
Cecil Charles Interview (Wayne, Union and Randolph Counties, Indiana) - Part 3, Wayne County, Indiana; Union County, Indiana; Randolph County, Indiana; Cecil Charles; and Robert M. Rennick
Cecil Charles Interview (Wayne, Union and Randolph Counties, Indiana) - Part 4, Wayne County, Indiana; Union County, Indiana; Randolph County, Indiana; Cecil Charles; and Robert M. Rennick
Cecil Charles Interview (Wayne, Union and Randolph Counties, Indiana) - Part 5, Wayne County, Indiana; Union County, Indiana; and Randolph County, Indiana
Centrarchus macropterus Flier, Roger W. Barbour
Cervus dama, Roger W. Barbour
Cervus elaphus nannodes - Red Deer, Elk, Roger W. Barbour
Cervus elaphus nannodes - Red Deer, Elk, Roger W. Barbour
Cervus elaphus nannodes - Red Deer, Elk, Roger W. Barbour
Cervus elaphus roosevelti, Roger W. Barbour
Cervus elaphus roosevelti, Roger W. Barbour
Changes in Maternal Insight During an Attachment-Based Dyadic Intervention, Madison Raymer, Megan Conn, Kaitlyn Osborne, Shari L. Kidwell, and Frances Merritt
Charles R. Spain, Morehead State College.
Charles R. Spain, Morehead State College.
Charles R. Spain, Morehead State College.
Charles R. Spain, Morehead State College.
Charles R. Spain, Morehead State College.
Charles R. Spain, Morehead State College.
Chelodina expansa, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina expansa, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina expansa, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina expansa, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina longicollis, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina longicollis, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina longicollis, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina longicollis, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina longicollis, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina longicollis, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina oblonga, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina oblonga, Roger W. Barbour
Chelodina parkari, Roger W. Barbour
Chelonia depressa, Roger W. Barbour
Chelonia mydas, Roger W. Barbour
Chelonia mydas, Roger W. Barbour
Chelonia mydas, Roger W. Barbour
Chelonia mydas, Roger W. Barbour
Chelonia mydas, Roger W. Barbour
Chelus fimbriatus, Roger W. Barbour
Chelus fimbriatus, Roger W. Barbour
Chelus fimbriatus, Roger W. Barbour
Chelus fimbriatus, Roger W. Barbour
Chelus fimbriatus, Roger W. Barbour
Chelus fimbriatus, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina osceola, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina osceola, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina osceola, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina rassignonii, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina rassignonii, Roger W. Barbour
Chelydra serpentina rassignonii, Roger W. Barbour
Chemical Valley - Part 1, Appalshop, Inc. and Union Carbide Inc.
Chemical Valley - Part 2, Appalshop, Inc. and Union Carbide Inc.
Child Abuse: What is the Impact?, Nicole Goins and Delar Kour Singh
Childhood Songs, Jean Ritchie
Chillson Leach - Oral History Interview (Part 01), Chillson Leach and Marynell Young
Chillson Leach - Oral History Interview (Part 02), Chillson Leach and Marynell Young
Chillson Leach - Oral History Interview (Part 03), Chillson Leach and Marynell Young
Chillson Leach - Photograph, Chillson Leach
Chillson Leach - Photograph, Chillson Leach
Chillson Leach - Photograph, Chillson Leach
Chinemys reevesii, Roger W. Barbour
Chinemys reevesii, Roger W. Barbour
Chinemys reevesii, Roger W. Barbour
Choeronycteris mexicana - Mexican Long-tongued Bat, Roger W. Barbour
Chologaster agassizi - Swampfish, Roger W. Barbour
Chologaster cornuta - Swampfish, Roger W. Barbour
Christian County, Works Progress Administration
Christine Burgan and Floyd Barnes Interview - Part 1 (Harrison County), Harrison County, Kentucky; Christine Burgan; Floyd Barnes; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine Burgan and Floyd Barnes Interview - Part 2 (Harrison County), Harrison County, Kentucky; Christine Burgan; Floyd Barnes; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine Burgan and Floyd Barnes Interview - Part 3 (Harrison County), Harrison County, Kentucky; Christine Burgan; Floyd Barnes; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine Burgan and Floyd Barnes Interview - Part 4 (Harrison County), Harrison County, Kentucky; Christine Burgan; Floyd Barnes; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 1 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 2 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 3 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 4 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 5 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 6 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Christine McGlone, Faye Cargo and Thelma Roe Interview - Part 7 (Carter County), Carter County, Kentucky; Christine McGlone; Faye Cargo; Thelma Roe; and Robert M. Rennick
Chrosomus erythrogaster - Redbelly dace, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys floridana, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta bellii, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta bellii, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta dorsalis, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta dorsalis, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta dorsalis, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta dorsalis, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta marginata, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta marginata, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta marginata, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys picta marginata, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys r. rubriventris, Roger W. Barbour
Chrysemys r. rubriventris, Roger W. Barbour
Chuck Mraz Athletic Program Collection, 1967-2008, WKMY Radio and Chuck Mraz
Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum - Rio Grande Cichlid, Roger W. Barbour
Clark County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Clark County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Clark County - Slavery, Works Progress Administration
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
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Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
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Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Classrooms and Labs, Morehead State College.
Claude Burris Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Claude Burris; and Robert M. Rennick
Claude Burris Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Claude Burris; and Robert M. Rennick
Clay County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Clay County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Clela Belle Alfrey - Oral History Interview (Part 01), Clela Belle Alfrey and Marynell Young
Clela Belle Alfrey - Oral History Interview (Part 02), Clela Belle Alfrey and Marynell Young
Clemmys guttata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys guttata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys guttata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys guttata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys insculpta, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys insculpta, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys marmorata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys marmorata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys marmorata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys marmorata, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys muhlenbergii, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys muhlenbergii, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys muhlenbergii, Roger W. Barbour
Clemmys muhlenbergii, Roger W. Barbour
Clethrionomys gapperi, Roger W. Barbour
Clethrionomys gapperi, Roger W. Barbour
Clinchco: Story of a Mining Town, Appalshop, Inc.
Clinostomus funduloides - Rosyside Dace, Roger W. Barbour
Clinton County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Clinton County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Clinton County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Clogging at Natural Bridge: A Kentucky Tradition, Kentucky Educational Television.
Clonophis kirtlandii, Roger W. Barbour
Clonophis kirtlandii, Roger W. Barbour
Clyde Davenport - Oral History Interview (Part 01), Clyde Davenport and Marynell Young
Clyde Davenport - Oral History Interview (Part 02), Clyde Davenport and Marynell Young
Clyde Davenport - Oral History Interview (Part 03), Clyde Davenport and Marynell Young
Clyde Davenport - Oral History Interview (Part 04), Clyde Davenport and Marynell Young
Clyde Davenport - Oral History Interview (Part 05), Clyde Davenport and Marynell Young
Clyde Davenport - Photograph, Clyde Davenport
Clyde Koger Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Clyde D. Koger; and Robert M. Rennick
Clyde Koger Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Clyde D. Koger; and Robert M. Rennick
Clyde Koger Interview - Part 3 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Clyde D. Koger; and Robert M. Rennick
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus, Roger W. Barbour
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus, Roger W. Barbour
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus, Roger W. Barbour
Coach Wayne Martin Introduction, Wayne Martin, Morris Norfleet, and Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Coal Miner: Frank Jackson, Frank Jackson; Appalshop, Inc.; and Appalachian Film Workshop.
College Board Asks for Probe, Mt. Sterling Sentinel-Democrat.
College Head Defends Self, Lexington Leader
Collins Appoints Five to Morehead Board, Lexington Herald-Leader
Coloring the Lights Blue, Megan Messer and Kimberley Nettleton
Coluber constrictor, Roger W. Barbour
Coluber constrictor, Roger W. Barbour
Coluber constrictor paludicola, Roger W. Barbour
Combatting Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking: An Evaluation of the My Life, My Choice Program in Kentucky, Chelsea M. Dyer
Comfort Women: The Forgotten Victims of World War II, Tessa Collins, Kourtney Salyer, Hunter Boyd, Anthony Albrecht, and John Ernst
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Commencement, Morehead State College.
Comparison of Human vs. Technological Identification of Blood Products, Abbey Carruthers, Gabrielle Dyer, Sarah Holman, Anne Lawson, Jenna Litteral, and Suzi White
Concert, Jean Ritchie
Conference is Promised by Chandler, Lexington Leader
Connecting Past to Present through Children's Music: The Haldeman Community Center After School Program, Elizabeth Dotson, Charlie Day, Jasmine Wheeler, and Joy L. Gritton
Cord Dishman and C. R. Bertram Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Samuel Cordell Dishman; Charles Rathmal Bertram; and Robert M. Rennick
Cord Dishman and C. R. Bertram Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Samuel Cordell Dishman; Charles Rathmal Bertram; and Robert M. Rennick
Corporate Social Responsibility Rating Agencies: Comparing Rankings, Methodologies, and Philosophies, Andrew Blevins and Michelle Kunz
Cottus bairdi - Mottled sculpin, Roger W. Barbour
Cottus carolinae - Banded sculpin, Roger W. Barbour
Cottus carolinae - Banded sculpin, Roger W. Barbour
Cottus pygmaeus - Pygmy sculpin, Roger W. Barbour
Creative Collaboration in Higher Education: A Guide for Distance Learning Technologies, Christopher D. Howes
Creative Entrepreneurs: Moving to the Fron within the Photography Industry, Morgan Ravenscraft
Crittenden County - Old Centerville, Braxton McDonald
Crotalus adamanteus, Roger W. Barbour
Crotalus adamanteus, Roger W. Barbour
Crotalus horridus, Roger W. Barbour
Crotalus viridis, Roger W. Barbour
Crotaphytus collaris, Roger W. Barbour
Crotaphytus collaris, Roger W. Barbour
Crotaphytus wislizen, Roger W. Barbour
Crotaphytus wislizen, Roger W. Barbour
Cryptotis parva - American least shrew, Roger W. Barbour
Cryptotis parva - American least shrew, Roger W. Barbour
Cryptotis parva - American least shrew, Roger W. Barbour
CSI4FS - A Markerless Augmented Reality Application for Forensic Science Crime Scene Investigation Training, Ian Levstein
Cuora amboinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora amboinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora amboinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora flavomarginata, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora flavomarginata, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora flavomarginata, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora trifasciata, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora trifasciata, Roger W. Barbour
Cuora trifasciata, Roger W. Barbour
Cyclemys dentata, Roger W. Barbour
Cyclemys dentata, Roger W. Barbour
Cyclemys dentata, Roger W. Barbour
Cynomys leucurus - White-tailed prairie dog, Roger W. Barbour
Cynomys leucurus - White-tailed prairie dog, Roger W. Barbour
Cynomys leucurus - White-tailed prairie dog, Roger W. Barbour
Cynomys leucurus - White-tailed prairie dog, Roger W. Barbour
Cynomys leucurus - White-tailed prairie dog, Roger W. Barbour
Dasypus novemcinctus - Nine-banded armadillo, Roger W. Barbour
Dasypus novemcinctus - Nine-banded armadillo, Roger W. Barbour
David and Aline Orrahood Interview - Part 1 (Daviess County), Daviess County, Kentucky; Marvin David Orrahood; Aline Joyce Orrahood; and Robert M. Rennick
David and Aline Orrahood Interview - Part 2 (Daviess County), Daviess County, Kentucky; Marvin David Orrahood; Aline Joyce Orrahood; and Robert M. Rennick
David and Aline Orrahood Interview - Part 3 (Daviess County), Daviess County, Kentucky; Marvin David Orrahood; Aline Joyce Orrahood; and Robert M. Rennick
David and Aline Orrahood Interview - Part 4 (Daviess County), Daviess County, Kentucky; Marvin David Orrahood; Aline Joyce Orrahood; and Robert M. Rennick
David and Aline Orrahood Interview - Part 5 (Daviess County), Daviess County, Kentucky; Marvin David Orrahood; Aline Joyce Orrahood; and Robert M. Rennick
David and Betty Saxon - Oral History, David Saxon and Betty Saxon
David Sizemore - Oral History Interview (Part 01), David Sizemore and Marynell Young
David Sizemore - Oral History Interview (Part 02), David Sizemore and Marynell Young
David Sizemore - Oral History Interview (Part 03), David Sizemore and Marynell Young
David Sizemore - Oral History Interview (Part 04), David Sizemore and Marynell Young
David Sizemore - Oral History Interview (Part 05), David Sizemore and Marynell Young
David Sizemore - Photograph, David Sizemore
Davies County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Daviess County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Dean Vaughan Delivers Convocation Address, Unknown.
Dedication of Julian M. Carroll Library Tower, Lloyd Cassity, Louis R. Hugg, Jack Ellis, Morris L. Norfleet, and Julian M. Carroll
Deirochelys reticularia, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia chrysea, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia chrysea, Roger W. Barbour
Deirochelys reticularia chrysea, Roger W. Barbour
Delbert Branscum Interview (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; William Delbert Branscum; and Robert M. Rennick
Delbert Hughes - Oral History Interview (Part 01), Delbert Hughes and Bob Butler
Delbert Hughes - Oral History Interview (Part 02), Delbert Hughes and Bob Butler
Della Hammond Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Della Hammond; and Robert M. Rennick
Della Hammond Interview - Part 3 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Della Hammond; and Robert M. Rennick
Della Hammond Interview - Part 4 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Della Hammond; and Robert M. Rennick
Democratic Candidates for Rowan County Clerk on Possible Media Frenzy, Protests, WMKY and Morehead State Public Radio
Dennie Slone Recordings, Dennis "Dennie" Slone and Robert M. Rennick
Dermatemys mawii, Roger W. Barbour
Dermatemys mawii, Roger W. Barbour
Desegregation Committee Meeting Minutes & Records, 1984-1986, Faculty Senate.
Design and Implementation of a Virtual Reality Laboratory for Mechanical Maintenance, Adolfo Enrique Samudio Cano
Desmognathus fuscus, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus fuscus, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus fuscus conanti, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus imitator, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus imitator, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus imitator, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus monticola, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus monticola, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus ochrophaeus, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus ochrophaeus, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus ochrophaeus, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus ochrophaeus, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus ochrophaeus carolinensis, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus welteri, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus welteri, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus wrighti, Roger W. Barbour
Desmognathus wrighti, Roger W. Barbour
Detecting Cardio-Respiratory Instability in Neonates, Joshua Todd Carroll and Shahrokh Sani
Determining methods of detecting SIDS in infants using respiration and ECG data, William Carson and Shahrokh Sani
Developing Translation Skills, Jeffrey Couch and Philip Krummrich
Development of a Cell Culture System to Examine the Acclimation, Contraction, and Cytoskeletal Remodeling of A7r5 Smooth Muscle Cells to Microgravity, Kaylee Whitenack, Callie Arnold, Danielle Gibson, and Michael Fultz
Development of a Smoking Cessation Education Protocol in Acute Care Facilities, Harold McCarty, Sydney Raulinaitus, Erica Creech, Baylee Newsome, and Chad Rogers
Diadophis punctatus, Roger W. Barbour
Diadophis punctatus edwardii, Roger W. Barbour
Dick Albin Interview and a Folk Music Song, Richard Albin, Anne Albin, Mike Potters, and Christine Derossette
Didelphis virginiana - Virginia oppossum, Roger W. Barbour
Didelphis virginiana - Virginia oppossum, Roger W. Barbour
Didelphis virginiana Virginia oppossum, Roger W. Barbour
Diemictytus viridescens, Roger W. Barbour
Dietary Supplement Attitudes and Behaviors in the Personal Training Profession, Allison Hull and Gina Blunt Gonzalez
Digital History and Reconstruction of the Political Geography of the Yucatan Peninsula, Brooklyn Sauer and Timothy Hare
Dionda diaboli - Devils River minnow, Roger W. Barbour
Dipodomys ordii - Ord's kangaroo rat, Roger W. Barbour
Dipodomys ordii - Ord's kangaroo rat, Roger W. Barbour
Dipodomys spectabilis - Banner-tailed kangaroo rat, Roger W. Barbour
Dipodomys spectabilis - Banner-tailed kangaroo rat, Roger W. Barbour
Dixie Highway Sign, Robin & Linda Williams
Doctoral Program Evaluation, Lauren Myre and John Curry
Donald and Everett Jones Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Donald Jones; Everett Jones; and Robert M. Rennick
Donald and Everett Jones Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Donald Jones; Everett Jones; and Robert M. Rennick
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
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Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
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Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dorans, Morehead State College.
Dreadful Memories: The Life of Sarah Ogan Gunning - Part 1, Sarah Ogan Gunning and Appalshop, Inc.
Dreadful Memories: The Life of Sarah Ogan Gunning - Part 2, Sarah Ogan Gunning and Appalshop, Inc.
Dr. F. C. Button Called by Death, Lexington Leader
Dr. Neil Irvin Painter: Presidential Lecture- Pt. 1, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Dr. Neil Irvin Painter: Presidential Lecture- Pt. 2, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Dusty Miller, Dusty Miller
Eagles for Engagement Spring 2011: McCoy Interview, Morehead State University. Office of Communications and Marketing
Early Morehead Businesses, Robert S. Bishop and Philip W. Conn
Early Mountain Farming, Leland S. Hall and Philip W. Conn
Early Mountain Logging, Clester L. Armstrong and Philip W. Conn
Early Post Offices in Eastern Kentucky, Ersil Pitts Ward and Philip W. Conn
Early Railroading in Eastern Kentucky, Roy Cassity, Philip W. Conn, and Morehead & North Fork Railroad
Eastern Kentucky Educator - Volume 1, Number 1, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Eastern Kentucky Educator - Volume 2, Number 1, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Eastern Kentucky Educator - Volume 3, Number 1, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Eastern Kentucky Educator - Volume 3, Number 2, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Eastern Kentucky Wildlife, Leslie E. Meade and Philip W. Conn
Eastern Loses 18-0 Decision to Morehead, Lexington Herald
Eastern Normal Severs Athletic Relations With Morehead Normal; Used Ineligible Players, Is Charge, Lexington Herald
East Kentucky Folk Songs - Part One, George Alexander, Frankie Duff, and Betty Bolen Potter
East Kentucky Folk Songs - Part Two, George Alexander, Frankie Duff, and Betty Bolen Potter
Ed McClanahan, Kentucky Educational Television. and Ed McClanahan
Edmonson County - Place Names, Works Progress Administration
Edmonson County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Education budget cuts - Morehead State to furlough faculty and staff for 5 days, Linda Blackford
education - Murray State provost in line for Morehead presidency, Linda Blackford
Effectiveness of Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) in Learning Environments, Zachary Kelly and Donna McAlister-Kizzier
Effect of Calcium Supplementation on Gestation Length, Number Born Live, and Number of Stillborns, Courtney K. Moore, Audrey L. Emery, Dillon Q. Siefert, Flint W. Harrison, and Patricia L. Harrelson
Effect of Gestation Length on Litter Size and Piglet Birth Weight, Audrey L. Emery, Dillon Q. Siefert, Courtney K. Moore, Flint W. Harrelson, and Patricia L. Harrelson
Effects of Leg Girth and Leg Strength on Division I Track Athletes Race Performance, Benjamin Clay Dixon
Effects of Online Modularized Instruction on Engagement Levels of Low-Achieving High School Seniors Enrolled in Pre-College Algebra, Donovan M. Hawkins
Effects of Student Choice on Reading Stamina, Joy Buckler and Daniel P. Grace
Effects of two-stage weaning duration on beef cattle growth and vocalization, Ashley N. Deller, Emery O. Clark, Flint Harrelson, and Patricia Harrelson
Elaphe guttata, Roger W. Barbour
Elaphe obsoleta, Roger W. Barbour
Elaphe obsoleta, Roger W. Barbour
Elaphe obsoleta, Roger W. Barbour
Elaphe obsoleta, Roger W. Barbour
Elaphe obsoleta, Roger W. Barbour
Elaphe obsoleta, Roger W. Barbour
Elassoma okefenokee Okefenokee - Pygmy/Dwarf Sunfish, Roger W. Barbour
Elassoma zonatum - Banded Pygmy Sunfish, Roger W. Barbour
Elementary Teachers’ Experiences Using Informational Texts to Teach Social Studies in Eastern Kentucky, Kelsey Lyn Purdum and Kimberlee A. Sharp
Eli Johnson: Appalachian Split-oak Basketmaker, Eli Johnson and The Learning Tape, Capital
Elliott County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Elliott County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Elliott County - Place Names, Robert M. Rennick
Elliott County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Elmer Hurt Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Elmer Hurt; and Robert M. Rennick
Elmer Hurt Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Elmer Hurt; and Robert M. Rennick
Elmer Hurt Interview - Part 3 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Elmer Edison Hurt; and Robert M. Rennick
Elmer Hurt Interview - Part 4 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Elmer Edison Hurt; and Robert M. Rennick
Elo and Tella Dalton Interview - Part 1 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Elo B. Dalton; Tella Piercy Dalton; and Robert M. Rennick
Elo and Tella Dalton Interview - Part 2 (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Elo B. Dalton; Tella Piercy Dalton; and Robert M. Rennick
Elseya dentata, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya dentata, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya dentata, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya latisternum, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya latisternum, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya latisternum, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya latisternum, Roger W. Barbour
Elseya novaeguineae, Roger W. Barbour
EMG Analysis of Exaggerated Hip Rotation on Anaerobic Power During Sprint Cycling, Kayly Coleman
Emotional Intelligence: What is Your EQ?, Gina Atkinson, Brooke Smith, and Delar K. Singh
Empowering Teachers to Empower Students Through Voice and Choice, Joseph P. Harris
Emydoidea blandingii, Roger W. Barbour
Emydoidea blandingii, Roger W. Barbour
Emydoidea blandingii, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura kreffti, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura kreffti, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura kreffti, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura kreffti, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura macquarrii signata, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura macquarrii signata, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura subglobosa, Roger W. Barbour
Emydura subglobosa, Roger W. Barbour
Emys orbicularis, Roger W. Barbour
Emys orbicularis, Roger W. Barbour
Emys orbicularis, Roger W. Barbour
Emys orbicularis, Roger W. Barbour
Enantioselective Cross Aldol Reactions of Aldehydes, Chase C. Slone and Brandon G. Van Ness
Encycloreedia: A Beginning Guide to Oboe Reed Making, Timthy Blake Johnson and Thomas Pappas
End Comes to Dr. F. C. Button, Lexington Herald
Engaging the next generation in Appalachian studies: building community and expanding outreach through technology and diversity of programming, Lucy Steele, Emily Johnson, Savannah Muse, Maggie Flanagan, and Joy L. Gritton
Enhydra lutris - Sea otter, Roger W. Barbour
Enhydra lutris - Sea otter, Roger W. Barbour
Enhydra lutris - Sea otter, Roger W. Barbour
Enneacanthus gloriosus - Bluespotted Sunfish, Roger W. Barbour
Enneacanthus obesus - Banded Sunfish, Roger W. Barbour
Ensatina eschscholtzii, Roger W. Barbour
Ensatina eschscholtzii, Roger W. Barbour
Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthroptica, Roger W. Barbour
Eptesicus fuscus - Big Brown Bat, Roger W. Barbour
Eptesicus fuscus - Big Brown Bat, Roger W. Barbour
Eretmochelys imbricata, Roger W. Barbour
Eretmochelys imbricata, Roger W. Barbour
Eretmochelys imbricata, Roger W. Barbour
Ericymba buccata - Silverjaw Minnow, Roger W. Barbour
Erimyzon oblongus - Creek Chubsucker, Roger W. Barbour
Erimyzon sucetta - Lake Chubsucker, Roger W. Barbour
Errett and Beulah Martin Interview (Lake County, Indiana) - Part 2, Lake County, Indiana; Errett Martin; Beulah Martin; and Robert M. Rennick
Errett Martin Interview (Lake County, Indiana) - Part 1, Lake County, Indiana; Errett Martin; and Robert M. Rennick
Esthel Hatfield Interview (Wayne County), Wayne County, Kentucky; Esthel Hatfield; Mose Frank Hatfield; Mary Florence Hatfield; and Robert M. Rennick
Estill County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration
Estill County - Place Names, Robert M. Rennick, Bobby L. Rose, and Lorene Rose
Estill County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick, Bobby L. Rose, and Lorene Rose
Estille McIntyre Interview - Part 1 (Perry County), Perry County, Kentucky; Estille McIntyre; and Robert M. Rennick
Estille McIntyre Interview - Part 2 (Perry County), Perry County, Kentucky; Estille McIntyre; and Robert M. Rennick
Estille McIntyre Interview - Part 3 (Perry County), Perry County, Kentucky; Estille McIntyre; and Robert M. Rennick
Etheostoma asprigene - Mud Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma atripinne - Cumberland Snubnose Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma baileyi - Emerald Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma baileyi - Emerald Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma barbouri - Teardrop Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma bellum - Orangefin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma blennioides - Greenside Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma blennius - Blenny Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma caeruleum - Rainbow Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma caeruleum - Rainbow Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma camurum - Bluebreast Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma chlorosomum - Bluntnose Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma chlorosomum - Bluntnose Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma cinereum - Ashy Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma collettei - Creole Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma collis - Carolina Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma coosae - Coosa Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma coosae - Coosa Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma cragini - Arkansas Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma ditrema - Coldwater Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma ditrema - Coldwater Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma ditrema - Coldwater Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma duryi - Blackside Snubnose Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma eduieni, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma edwini - Brown Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma euzonum - Arkansas Saddled Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma exile - Iowa Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma exile - Iowa Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma flabellare - Fantail Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma fonticola - Fountain Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma fricksium - Savannah Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma fusiforme - Swamp Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma fusiforme - Swamp Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma gracile - Slough Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma grahami - Rio Grande Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma histrio - Harlequin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma hopkinsi - Christmas Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma hopkinsi - Christmas Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma hopkinsi lauototum - Christmas Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma inscriptum - Turquoise Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma jessiae - Blueside Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma jordani - Greenbreast Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma juliae - Yoke Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma kanawhae - Kanawha Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma kennicotti - Stripetail Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma lepidum - Greenthroat Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma longimanum - Longfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma longimanum - Longfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma longimanum - Longfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma luteovinctum - Redband Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma maculatum sanguifluum - Red Spotted Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma maculatum vulneratum - Red Spotted Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma mariae - Pinewoods Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma mariae - Pinewoods Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma microlepidum - Smallscale Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma microperca - Least Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma m. maculatum - Potted Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma moorei - Yellowcheek Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma neopterum - Lollypop Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma nigrum - Longfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma nuchale - Watercress Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma obeyense - Barcheek Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma okaloosae - Okaloosa Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma olivaceum - Sooty Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma olmstedi - Tesselated, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma olmstedi - Tesselated Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma osburni - Finescale Saddled Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma pallididorsum - Paleback Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma parvipinne - Goldstripe Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma perlongum - Waccamaw Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma podostemone - Riverweed Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma proeliare - Cypress Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma punctulatum - Stippled Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma radiosum - Orangebelly Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma rubrum - Bayou Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma rufilineatum - Redline Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma rufilineatum - Redline Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma rupestre - Rock Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma sagitta - Arrow Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma saludae - Saluda Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma sellare - Maryland Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma serriferum - Sawcheek Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma simoterum - Tennessee Snubnose Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma smithi - Slabrock Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma spectabile - Orangethroat Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma spectabile - Strangethroat Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma squamiceps - Spottail Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma s. sagitta - Arrow Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma stigmaeum - Speckled Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma swaini -- Gulf Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma swannanoa - Swannanoa Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma tetrazonum - Missouri Saddled Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma thalassinum - Seagreen Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma thallasinum - Seagreen Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma trisella - Trispot Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma tuscumbia - Tuscumbia Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma variatum - Variegate Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma virgatum - Striped Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma vitreum - Glassy Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma whipplei - Redfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Etheostoma zonale - Banded Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Ethiostoma tippecanoe - Tippecanoe Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Euderma maculatum - Spotted Bat, Roger W. Barbour
Euderma maculatum - Spotted Bat, Roger W. Barbour
Eumeces fasciatus, Roger W. Barbour
Eumeces fasciatus, Roger W. Barbour
Eumeces inexpectatus, Roger W. Barbour
Eumeces laticeps, Roger W. Barbour
Eumeces septentrionalis, Roger W. Barbour
Eumeces septentrionalis, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops glaucinus, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops glaucinus, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops glaucinus, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops perotis, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops perotis, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops perotis, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops perotis, Roger W. Barbour
Eumops underwoodi, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea bislineata, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea bislineata currigena, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea l. melanopleura, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea longicauda, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea longicauda guttalineata, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea lucifuga, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea lucifuga, Roger W. Barbour
Eurycea neotenes, Roger W. Barbour
Eva Powell Interview - Part 1 (Pike County), Pike County, Kentucky; Eva Powell; and Robert M. Rennick
Eva Powell Interview - Part 2 (Pike County), Pike County, Kentucky; Eva Powell; and Robert M. Rennick
Eva Powell Interview - Part 3 (Pike County), Pike County, Kentucky; Eva Powell; and Robert M. Rennick
Events, Morehead State College.
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Evidence Based Practice for Soap and Water Handwashing, Brittany Carpenter, Mikalea Buckler, Carsey Campell, Natalie Thompson, and Shannon Morgan
E. whipplei artesiae - Redfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
E. whipplei artesiae - Redfin Darter, Roger W. Barbour
Examination of radiation levels in Rowan County using dosimeters, Robert Grigsby, Mitchell Grothaus, Charles Mason, and Timothy Hare
Ex-Dean to be Morehead Chief Board of Regents Picks One of Two Front-Runners, Lexington Herald-Leader
Ex-Governors to Join Board at Morehead Collins Names Breathitt, Nunn to Fill Vacancies at University, Lexington Herald-Leader
Ex-Morehead State Official Gets 5-Year Prison Sentence, Lexington Herald-Leader
Ex-Morehead State President Accused of Violating Federal Law, Lexington Herald-Leader
Exoglossum laurae - Tonguetied Minnow, Roger W. Barbour
Exploration of the Impact of Lean System on Profitability in U. S. Pharmaceutical Industry, Linya Shu
Extracting Pollen, Spores, and Algae from Paleocene and Eocene Sediments, Kristina F. O'Keefe, Thomas Demchuk, and Chris Denison
Factors Unclear in Morehead's Action on Reinhard, Lexington Herald-Leader
Faculty, Morehead State College.
Faculty, Morehead State College.
Faculty, Morehead State College.
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Faculty, Morehead State College.
Faculty, Morehead State College.
Faculty Rosters, 1951-1976, Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
Faculty Rosters, 1951-1976, Provost's Office
Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
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Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Faculty & Staff, Morehead State College.
Far Above The Rolling Campus, John Tanner Blevins
Farancia abacura, Roger W. Barbour
Farancia abacura, Roger W. Barbour
Farancia abacura reinwardtii, Roger W. Barbour
Farancia abacura reinwardtii, Roger W. Barbour
Fayette County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Fayette County - Place Names, William A. Withington
Fayette County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Feathered Warrior, Appalshop, Inc.
Felis concolor, Roger W. Barbour
Felis concolor, Roger W. Barbour
Felis perdalis, Roger W. Barbour
Felis wiedii, Roger W. Barbour
Felis wiedii, Roger W. Barbour
Felis yagouaroundi, Roger W. Barbour
Felis yagouaroundi, Roger W. Barbour
Fighting Racial Violence in Kentucky: The Anti-Lynching Movement, 1890-1930, Johnna Dorn and Benjamin Fitzpatrick
Financial Literacy Project Of Eastern Kentucky, Kisha Burchett and Michael Harford
Finding History: A Curatorial Analysis, Dakota Goedel and Adrian Mandzy
Fine Photo of Indian Rock, Portsmouth Daily Times
Fleming County - 175th Anniversary Edition, Fleming Gazette
Fleming County - Bicentennial Edition, Fleming Gazette
Fleming County - General History, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Fleming County - Post Offices, Robert M. Rennick
Fletcher N. Hufford Interview (Switzerland County, Indiana) - Part 1, Switzerland County, Indiana; Fletcher N. Hufford; and Robert M. Rennick
Fletcher N. Hufford Interview (Switzerland County, Indiana) - Part 2, Switzerland County, Indiana; Fletcher N. Hufford; and Robert M. Rennick
Fletcher N. Hufford Interview (Switzerland County, Indiana) - Part 3, Switzerland County, Indiana; Fletcher N. Hufford; and Robert M. Rennick
Flexible Seating and How it Effects Student Assessment, Leah Oldfield and Sharon Benton
Flood Survivors - Oral History, Gene Hand
Floyd County - Cities, Towns & Villages, Works Progress Administration and Historical Records Survey
Floyd County - Folklore, Works Progress Administration and Federal Writers' Project
Floyd County - Henry P. Scalf Articles, Henry P. Scalf and Floyd County Times
Floyd County - Henry P. Scalf Articles from the Floyd County Times, Henry P. Scalf and Floyd County Times
Floyd County - History, Works Progress Administration
Floyd County - Langley, Ronald Hayes
Floyd County - May Family of Prestonsburg, Robert Perry
Floyd County - Prestonsburg, Mike Vance
Floyd County - Welfare in Prestonsburg, Stephanie Midkiff
Focus Particles Strongly Draw Attachment, Torianne Crouch and Joe Castle
Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.
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Football, Morehead State College.
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Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.
Football, Morehead State College.