Document Type
Audio Recording
Publication Date
Summer 9-16-1981
On this episode of Unfinished Business a magazine view is taken, first an interview with four time house speaker William Kenton at the Young Democrats fish fry on campus about a new direction for Kentucky Democrats, then Keith Murphy interviews Grayson city attorney Robert Caummisar about the issues with the municipal bonds that were issued to the city by the Farmers Home Administration, and what is being done about that, and finally John Wolfe interviews Billy Joe Hall about the possibility of a new commercial bank for Morehead, compiled on September 16, 1981.
Recommended Citation
Morehead State University. WMKY; Wolfe, John; Kenton, William; Murphy, Keith; Caummisar, Robert; and Hall, Billy Joe, "1981-09-16 Unfinished Business- A Magazine View- : Kentucky House Speaker William Kenton on a New Direction for Kentucky Democrats, Bond Trouble in Grayson, and a Potential New Bank for Morehead" (1981). WMKY Audio Recordings Archive. 489.