Document Type
Audio Recording
Publication Date
Summer 8-26-1981
On this episode Unfinished Business takes a magazine look at the news, first Kurt Pickering interviews State Superintendent for Public Instruction Reagan Farber about vocational education in Kentucky, next Janis Hager interviews Tim Ramsey, Michael Jones, and Goldy Primace about Green Bell peppers as a potential future cash crop for Kentucky, and finally John Wolfe interviews Roger Curtis about cable improvement plans for Rowan County, and the introduction of new channels such as the Nickelodeon Children's network, compiled on August 26, 1981.
Recommended Citation
Morehead State University. WMKY; Wolfe, John; Pickering, Kurt; Farber, Reagan; Hager, Janis; Ramsey, Tim; Jones, Michael; Primace, Goldy; and Curtis, Roger, "1981-08-26 Unfinished Business -A Magazine View- : Vocational Education, A Future Cash Crop for Kentucky, and Cable Improvements in Rowan County" (1981). WMKY Audio Recordings Archive. 487.