Document Type
Audio Recording
Publication Date
Spring 3-22-1980
A collection of gospel music broadcasted for the Our Mountain Heritage series on WMKY, featuring various singers and their songs including, Jimmy Williams and the country gospel singers, Roger Lewis, Mary Lazier, Sherry Clayburn singing "One Day at a Time", Kurt Hutchinson singing "Time Makes a Change", Kyle Tackett singing "I am a Pilgrim and a Stranger", Bob Lyman singing "Take my Hand", and finally everyone involved singing "I Saw the Light", recorded March 22, 1980, original air date(s) unknown.
Recommended Citation
Morehead State University. WMKY; Lewis, Roger; Weaver, Roger; Clark, Sybil; Clayburn, Sherry; Lazier, Mary; Lyman, Bob; Hutchinson, Kurt; Tackett, Kyle; and Williams, Jimmy, "1980-03-22 Our Mountain Heritage: Gospel Tunes" (1980). WMKY Audio Recordings Archive. 449.