Rowan County Public Library | Morehead State University Research | Scholarworks @ Morehead State
The Rowan County Public Library was established in 1968 after a petition had been circulated to implement a 4.5 cent tax to keep the library and bookmobile services in Rowan County. The petition had 500 more names than what was required to administer the tax. Close to 300 people attended the grand opening of the library. Among those in attendance were Congressman Carl D. Perkins, State Senator Ed J. Kelly, State Representative Sherman R. Arnett, and Morehead State University President Adron Doran.

The mission of the Rowan County Public Library is to enhance the quality of life for all citizens in and near our service area by providing a catalog of items and information for their leisure and lifelong learning needs.


Browse the Rowan County Public Library Collections:

Jack D. Ellis Rowan County History Collection

Rowan County Genealogy Collection

Rowan County Histories Collection

Yearbooks of Rowan County High Schools