Document Type
Audio Recording
Publication Date
Fall 10-21-1978
The dedication of the Julian M. Carroll Library tower, Lloyd Cassity, director of the MSU board of regents presides, and governor Julian M. Carroll and Morris Norfleet are the keynote speakers, other program participants include Louis R. Hugg Jr of Frankfort, the project architect; Don Tucker of Tucker and Associates Contracting, Inc., of Lexington; Jack Ellis, MSU's director of libraries; Fay Belcher, associate director of libraries; Roger Jones, professor of art; Ruth Barnes, professor of English; Evan Perkins, student member of the Board of Regents; and Sherry Fawley, Martinsville, Ohio junior at MSU. Music will be provided by the MSU Chamber Singers under the direction of James Ross Beane, recorded on October 21, 1978.
Recommended Citation
Morehead State University; Carroll, Julian M.; Hugg, Louis R. Jr; Tucker, Don; Ellis, Jack; Belcher, Fay; Jones, Roger; Barnes, Ruth; Perkins, Evan; Fawley, Sherry; Cassity, Lloyd; and Norfleet, Morris, "1978-10-21 The Dedication Ceremony for the Julian M. Carroll Library Tower" (1978). WMKY Audio Recordings Archive. 371.