Survey Results Guide Total Quality Management (TQM) Course Development in Industrial Technology


Ahmad Zagari

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1996


In order to succeed in today’s marketplace, industrial organizations demand highly skilled managers capable of achieving global competitiveness as well as local responsiveness (Hill, 1995). As technological development continues, corporate executives are realizing that traditional management approaches are inadequate to continuously make the required improvements (Bounds, Yorks, Adams, & Ranney, 1995). In order to remain competitive in a global economy, contemporary corporations are breaking down traditional boundaries to create lean, adaptive, and fast moving organizations, which require team-building, network-building, and empowering skills (Hill, 1995). According to Streichler (1994), “Surveys of more than 10,000 managers in the United States reveal that while they are aware of general organizational techniques, they feel the need to improve their knowledge of themselves; basic techniques of time management, personal organization, and personal and group goal setting” (p. 72). In fact, development and application of these skills appear to be the main focus of TQM.
