Use of Learner-Centered Principles Test Battery in Pre-Service Educational Programs and in the School Setting: Implications for Teacher Roles and Professional Development Experiences
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The Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (LCP) were developed through the efforts of an American Psychological Association task force as part of an effort to add to educational reform literature regarding the learner and the learner process. The Learner-Centered Battery (LCB) was administered to 38 teachers and 656 students in grades 6 through 12 in a rural school district. The purpose was to evaluate the self-assessment measures in the Learner-Centered Battery with experienced teachers, to determine the usefulness of the LCB for professional development programs, and to determine the relationships of student responses on the LCB to student achievement and teaching practices. In addition, Teacher Survey #2 of the Learner-Centered Battery was used by 55 pre-services teachers to observe current teaching practices. It was found that: (1) "Self Efficacy Ratings" predicted student achievement, (2) the Learner-Centered Battery can be used to predict high quality teaching, and (3) Teacher Survey #2 could be used to reliably observe current teaching practices according to the Learner-Centered Principles. An appendix includes a description of the learner centered psychological principles and several tables of data.
Recommended Citation
ERIC, ED393045.