Education Competencies: Graduates' and Supervisors' Perceptions


Danny Fasco Jr.

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Most teacher educators agree that their students need to learn general pedagogical knowledge, the pedagogical knowledge specific to their content area, and general classroom management. Beginning teachers and student teacher supervisors were asked their perceptions of the importance of various educational competencies and the university's effectiveness in teaching them. Education graduates from 1992-93 (n=251) received the Teacher Education Graduates Survey and were also asked if the Employer Assessment Survey could be sent to their supervisors. Fifty-seven surveys were returned, a response rate of 23_percent. The number of supervisor survey returns was considered too small and too inconsistent to be reported. The majority of graduates responded that the competencies required in the teacher education program are important or very important and that core competencies were taught effectively or very effectively. Fifty-three percent responded that the student teaching experience was a strength of their teacher preparation and 34 percent responded that exposure to a variety of teaching methods was important. Seventy-four percent of respondents indicated that their education courses were either not difficult or only somewhat difficult. Data are provided in four tables; an appendix includes the student and supervisor survey forms.
