Computer Utilization by School Counselors

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We are in the midst of what Toffler (Mead, 1996) has termed the information age, with a third shift in the U.S. vocational landscape. We have moved from an agrarian economy to an industrial-based economy and now into a data-driven, super high-speed, information-processing economy that Toffler terms the information revolution. The United States leads the world in state-of-the-art computing technology and software design and production. A recent report, America's Children and the Information Superhighway (1996), noted that while in 1984 only 25% of workers used computers on the job, the figure had risen to 47% by 1993. Today, well over half of the existing jobs require some degree of information and technological literacy. It is estimated that in the year 2000, 60% of the new jobs will require technological skills possessed by only 22% of the young people entering the labor market! A 1993 study reported that a shocking 80% of all school computers were considered to be "obsolete" (America's Children and the Information Superhighway, 1996)
