Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks Or Simply Using The Old Tricks At The Right Time

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Business academicians face a conundrum, namely guarding against unintentional teaching myopia while tertiary education undergoes substantial changes toward creating a student-centered environment. Teaching myopia occurs when educators focus on teaching rather than the needs of learners (Cunningham 1996). The American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, universities, schools, and departments increasingly emphasize matching teaching styles with learning styles (American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business Task Force on Effective and Inclusive Learning Environments 1998). Potential conflict arises because research suggests academicians tend to use teaching techniques that fit into their own preferred learning styles (Campbell 1990) and are related to their personal comfort with specific teaching procedures and course content (Grasha 1990). The conundrum is exacerbated because student evaluations of teaching are one method widely used by many colleges to measure positive, effective learning environments. Since the opinions expressed by students may affect the longevity and success of academicians’ careers (Watters 2000), educators need to understand how students evaluate various teaching methods. Knowledge of these preferences could allow professors to better match their teaching methods with learning styles and anticipate student evaluations.
