Is Teacher Quality Related to Eighth-Grade Mathematics Achievement? Evidence from the 2007 NAEP Data

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This study was designed to examine the impact NCLB defined teacher-quality variables (1) major/minor in mathematics, (2) highest academic degree, (3) type of teaching certificate, (4) years taught mathematics (NCLB, 2001) on the mathematics average scale scores of eighthgrade students. The study used a secondary analysis of the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Results were reported in terms of statistical significance (p. <01) and effect size (Cohen's d). This study found that an eighth-grade mathematics teacher is more effective with (1) either a major or minor in mathematics, (2) a Professional degree, (3) a Regular/standard teaching certificate, and (4) with 20+ years of teaching mathematics experience. The teacher quality variables had an impact on the average scale scores of students who took the 2007 NAEP eighth-grade mathematics test (national data used in the secondary analysis).
