A Survey of Appalachian Middle & High School Teacher Perceptions of Controversial Current Events Instruction

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This study examined the perspectives of a sample of Appalachian middle and high school social studies teachers regarding the teaching of controversial current events. Specifically, the survey ascertained the teachers’ familiarity with school district administrative policies regarding the teaching of controversial current events, their perceptions about the inclusion of controversial current events in the social studies, and their perceptions about their instructional responses and decision – making concerning the teaching of controversial current events. The researcher derived the data for this study from a spring 2009 survey administered electronically using a secure website. The study yielded only 76 participants out of a sample of 926 middle and high school social studies teachers, a concern which may have implications for Appalachian students’ accessibility to participatory citizenship skill development. Of the teachers which did participate, the feedback was positive with regard to administrative policies and favorable toward the teaching of controversial current events as a part of the social studies curriculum.
