MIS Faculty Perceptions Regarding The Reengineered Organizational & End-User Information Systems Curriculum In Information Technology Education

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The Office Systems Research Association’s recent revision of the Organizational Information Systems (OEIS) curriculum model provides an opportune setting for determining the value of the model regarding undergraduate education in end user information systems.This study follows an established method for examining IS curriculum perceptions by MIS faculty in hopes of providing a realistic snapshot of the model’s strengths and weaknesses to aid the actual decision and implementation process of end-user information systems undergraduate curricula. Key findings regarding the perceived importance of the curriculum objectives are reported as well as conclusions, implications and suggestions for future research in end-user information systems. Feedback from MIS faculty regarding possible methods for integrating enterprise systems concepts (ERP) are also reported. MIS academicians have shown that the model curriculum and the associated content objectives do indeed have value and is of considerable importance. In addition to its importance, the faculty validated and solidified that the curriculum does have merit in preparing OEIS undergraduate students for participation, as end user support personnel, in a digital, knowledge based economy of unbridled change.
