Plaster cast of a figure from two boys quarreling over a game of knucklebones. Original found in the Baths of Titus, Rome, now housed in the British Museum, circa 1st century.
Publication Date
Type of Artwork
Time Period/Geographical Region
Ancient Rome
Height (cm/in)
71.12 cm / 28 in
Width (cm/in)
91.44 cm / 36 in
Depth (cm/in)
67.31 cm / 26.5 in
Ancient History, Greek and Roman through Late Antiquity | Sculpture
Recommended Citation
Morehead State University. Camden-Carroll Library., "Figure from Group of Two Boys Quarreling" (1978). Metropolitan Museum of Art Cast Collection. 24.
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Formerly known as "the Cannibal" due to the way the figure bites the leg of his opponent (whose body is missing), the original figure grouping contained two boys who appear to have been fighting while gambling at Tali, or knucklebones. The figure grouping was discovered in the 17th century in the Baths of Titus in Rome during the pontificate of Urban VIII; it was later moved to his palace, the Palazzo Barbarini, before being acquired by The British Museum. The British Museum sculpture is a 1st century Roman version of an earlier sculpture group from the 2nd or 1st century BCE.