Sandstone and Chisel: Three Historic Ohio "Indian" Rock Carvings
James L. Murphy
Article by James L. Murphy on the Indian Head Rock published in the Ohio Archaeologist volume 58, Number 4 (2008), pages 4 to 9.
Ohio General Assembly H.R. No. 137
Ohio State General Assembly
Bill passed by the Ohio State Assembly declaring that the Indian Head Rock was historically associated with the City of Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mock Radio Report on the Indian Head Rock Controversy
WLGC Radio
A mock radio report on the Indian Head Rock controversy that aired on 105.7 WLGC radio.
Kentucky Legislature HR12 08RS
Kentucky State House of Representatives
Kentucky State House bill HR12 08RS condemning the removal of Indian Head Rock from the Ohio River on January 22, 2008.
'Indian Head' Boulder Sparks Kentucky-Ohio Rift
Joe Biesk
An article published in the Ahsland Daily Independent on the political backlash of the removal of Indian Head Rock from January 28, 2008.
Lawmaker wants rock returned to Ky. Claims State Was 'Raided' to Get Boulder
Joe Biesk
An article published in the Lexington Herald-Leader on January 28, 2008 related to the removal of the Indian Head Rock.
Kentucky's feathers ruffled over boulder
Jim Siegel
Article published in the Columbus Dispatch on the dispute over Indian Head Rock from January 30, 2008.
Between States, Hard Feelings Over a Rock’s Place
Dan Barry
Article published in the New York Times on the dispute over Indian Head Rock from February 11, 2008.
Grand jury to hear evidence in rock fight
Kenneth Hart
Article in the Ashland Daily Independent on the legal dispute over Indian Head Rock, published on March 7, 2008.
Fight over boulder known as Indian Head Rock is escalating
Associated Press
Article submitted by the Associated Press on the legal implications associated with the removal of Indian Head Rock from March 13, 2008.
Assignment America: Battle for a Rock
CBS News
CBS News feature by Steve Hartman on the Indian Head Rock that was removed from the Ohio River. The story aired on March 28, 2008.
An Epic Battle Over a Rock
Steve Hartman
CBS article on the legal dispute over the Indian Head Rock on March 28, 2008.
An Epic Battle Over A Rock
Steve Hartman
CBS television report by Steve Hartman on the debate over Indian Head Rock broadcast on March 28, 2008.
DJ has Rockin' April Fool's Joke
Ironton Tribune
Article published in the Ironton Tribune on April 1, 2008 related to the Indian Head Rock dispute.
Ohio State House Resolution HR137 on the Indian Head Rock
Todd Book
Resolution HR137 presented on May 9, 2008 by Ohio State Representative Todd Book to the State Legislature declaring the Indian Head Rock an artifact historically associated with the City of Portsmouth, Ohio.
Indian Head Fact Sheet
Kentucky Heritage Council
Fact sheet published by the Kentucky Heritage Council on the Indian Head Rock in 2008.
Kentucky Officials get Serious about getting Rock back
Associated Press
An article published in the Lexington Herald-Leader on the legal dispute over Indian Head Rock from May 29, 2008.
Stan Champer column
Stan Champer
Columnist Stan Champer writes in the Ashland Daily Independent on the story of Indian Head Rock from May 30, 2008.
Indian Head Rock: A Story in Five Scenes
Jon Hoban
A five scene story on the history of Indian Head Rock written by Jon Hoban on June 11, 2008.
State-line Battle over Boulder leads to Court
Joe Biesk
Article published in the Lexington Herald Leader on the legal dispute over Indian Head Rock from June 20, 2008.
Kentucky Officials Charge Ohioan in Case of the Pilfered Rock
Cate Doty
Article published in the New York Times on the indictment of Steve Shaffer from June 20, 2008.
Grand Jury Indicts Leader of Rock Expedition
Kenneth Hart
Article published in the Ashland Daily Independent on the grand jury indictment of Steven R. Shaffer on June 20, 2008.
The Indian Head Rock Project was initiated by Steve Middleton during the filming of his documentary Between the Rock and the Commonwealth in the summer of 2016. The collection consists of documentation and images on the history, and folklore, of the Indian Head Rock that was located in the Ohio River across from Portsmouth, Ohio. Included in the collection are newspaper clippings, photographs, and videos interviews with individuals associated with the removal of the rock from the river and the political and legal actions that followed.
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