Collection consists of the meeting minutes, and supplementary materials, of the Faculty Senate, Executive Council and other committees associated with the Faculty Senate of Morehead State University from 1904 to the present.
Submissions from 2023
2023-01-19 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-01-19 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-01-19 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-01-19 Policy Review Process (Draft), Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-01-19 Statement by Ron Morrison on PG-23, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-01-20 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
2023-02-01 PAc-5 Revisal Draft, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-02 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-02 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-02 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-10 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
2023-02-13 PAc-3 Draft Revision, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-16 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-16 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-16 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-16 PAc-5 Revision Draft, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-22 Faculty Regent Candidates Forum, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-02-23 Provost Survey, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-02 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-24 Research and Creative Productions Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Research and Creative Productions Committee.
2023-03-29 PAc-17 Proposed Revisions, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-29 Policy Review and Revision Process Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-29 Research & Creative Productions Committee Proposed Revisions, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-29 UAR 136.03 Proposed Revisions, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-30 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-03-30 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-05 Excellence in Teaching Committee Revisal Draft, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-05 Intercollegiate Athletics Committee Revisal Draft, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-05 Research & Creative Productions Committee Revisal Draft, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-06 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-06 Faculty Senate WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-12 Message from the President, Morehead State University. Office of the President.
2023-04-20 Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee Revision, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-20 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-20 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-20 Online Teaching Guide, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-20 Organizational Chart Review, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-20 PAc-18 Revision, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-04-20 PAc-3 Revision, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee Policy Revision, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 General Education Program UAR Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 PAc-1 Revisal Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 PAc-31 Revisal Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 PG-15 Revisal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 PG-41 Revisal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 UAR 316.05 Revisal Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-04 UAR 319.04 Revisal Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-05-05 Student Media Board Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Student Media Board.
2023-06-15 Librarian Faculty Status Proposal Addendum, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-06-16 Faculty Regent Report, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Annie Adams
2023-08-10 Faculty Senate Executive Council on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Executive Council
2023-08-10 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-08-10 Faculty Senate on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-08-17 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-08-17 Faculty Senate Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-08-17 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-08-21 to 2023-09-06 Excellence in Teaching Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Excellance in Teaching Committee.
2023-08-26 Scholarship & Appeals Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Scholarship & Appeals Committee
2023-08-28 Faculty Senate Executive Council Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Executive Council
2023-08-29 University Promotion Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and University Promotion Committee.
2023-08-31 Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Faculty Rights & Responsibilities Committee.
2023-09-07 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-07 Faculty Senate Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-07 Governance Committee Report, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Governance Committee.
2023-09-07 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
2023-09-07 Level Up Committee Description, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-14 Examination of Benchmarks for MSU’s Library Staffing Level Recommendations, Methodology, and Sources, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-14 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
2023-09-14 Provost's Message on Library Status, Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
2023-09-15 Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research.
2023-09-15 University Tenure Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and University Promotion Committee.
2023-09-20 General Education Council Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and General Education Council.
2023-09-21 Employee Benefits Committee Revisal Response, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-21 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-21 Faculty Senate Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-09-22 Research and Creative Productions Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Research and Creative Productions Committee.
2023-10-03 Proposed Revisal PAc-31, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-03 Proposed Revisal to PAc-1, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-10 Disciplinary Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Disciplinary Committee.
2023-10-12 Faculty Senate Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-12 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-12 Proposed Revisal of Scholarship Appeals & Advisory Committee, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Scholarship Appeals & Advisory Committee.
2023-10-13 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-13 University Graduate Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and University Graduate Committee.
2023-10-19 Faculty Welfare & Concerns Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Faculty Welfare & Concerns Committee.
2023-10-19 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
2023-10-19 Provost's Response to Faculty Welfare & Concerns Committee Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Morehead State University. Office of the Provost.
2023-10-25 Scholarship Appeals & Advisory Committee Revisal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Scholarship Appeals & Advisory Committee.
2023-10-25 Statement from the Department of English and Modern Languages, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-26 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-26 Faculty Senate Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-10-26 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-11-02 Employee Benefits Committee Revisal Proposal, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate. and Employee Benefits Committee.
2023-11-02 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-11-02 Faculty Senate Meeting on WebEx, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-11-02 Faculty Senate Newsletter, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-11-02 Weighing the Institutional Investment in "Student Success", Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.
2023-11-03 Faculty Regent Report, Morehead State University. Faculty Senate.