
Katelyn Collins

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2021


Although time-telling using analog clocks is a topic covered in KY math standards in 1st and 2nd grades, and most older adults assume that everyone can read analog clocks, recent media reports and personal anecdotes have indicated that an ever-increasing proportion of young people struggle to correctly read them because most timing devices they are exposed to are digital. Although the personal and academic consequences of not mastering this skill are unknown, it is important to document the extent of this issue at a college level. Of particular interest to the researchers is the description of rotational direction as clockwise and counterclockwise (CW/CCW), which is commonly used in STEM disciplines and daily life. The purpose of this study is to document college students' understanding of correctly reading analog clocks and using CW/CCW directions. The first phase of this study is for the participants to complete an anonymous 5-minute survey with nine analog clocks for identifying the time and six circular diagrams for applying CW/CCW motions. This survey will be completed by a sample of about 100-150 college students enrolled in Morehead State University. The statistical analysis will be both descriptive and inferential; performance in time-telling and using CW/CCW directions will be compared based on the participants' gender, college rank, prior experiences with analog clocks or wristwatches. Also, a possible correlation between time-telling and using CW/CCW directions will be examined.
