"Fungi in a Warmer World: Fungal Diversity in the Tropical Miocene Clim" by J. Fairchild, L. Lennex-Stone et al.



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A knowledge gap associated with how fungal communities change in response to climate was identified in the 2018 State of the World Fungi report (Willis, 2018). While it is virtually impossible to test in the present, fungal assemblage changes can be studied in sediments from a warmer-than-present period such as the Miocene Climate Optimum (MCO) (Romero et al. 2021; O’Keefe 2017). The Fungi in a Warmer World project aims to generate and analyze a global-scale data set of fungal biodiversity, ecology, and associated flora from MCO sediments. This dataset will be used to model past fungal assemblage changes across the MCO and forecast future changes in line with IPCC RCP 4.5-8.5 warming.

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Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Higher Education | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Fungi in a Warmer World: Fungal Diversity in the Tropical Miocene Climate Optimum of the Clarkia Region of Idaho, USA



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