Stamper, Stephen M.
Carter County Genealogical Society
Genealogy of the Stephen M. Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
Stamper, Synthia Sue
Carter County Genealogical Society
Genealogy of the Synthia Sue Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
Synthia is the third child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper
Stamper, Synthia Sue - Volume 2
Carter County Genealogical Society
Genealogy of the Synthia Sue Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
Synthia is the third child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper
Stamper, Thomas Jefferson - Volume 1
Carter County Genealogical Society and Betty Stamper Wellman
Genealogy of Thomas Jefferson Stamper Sr. family in Carter County, Kentucky.
Thomas is the eighth child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper
Stamper, Thomas Jefferson - Volume 2
Carter County Genealogical Society and Betty Stamper Wellman
Genealogy of Thomas Jefferson Stamper Sr. family in Carter County, Kentucky.
Thomas is the eighth child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper
Stamper, William - Part 1
Carter County Genealogical Society
Genealogy of William Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
William the eleventh born child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper
Stamper, William Part 2
Carter County Genealogical Society
Genealogy of the William Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
William is the eleventh born child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper.
Stamper, William - Part 3
Carter County Genealogical Society, Betty Stamper Wellman, and Gladys Meyers
Genealogy of the family William Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
William is the eleventh child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper
Stamper, William - Part 4
Carter County Genealogical Society, John Cooper, and Betty Stamper Wellman
Genealogy of the William Stamper family in Carter County, Kentucky.
William is the eleventh child of John R. 'Pewter John' and Sarah 'Sallie' Stamper.
The Carter County Genealogy Collection consists of family histories from Carter County and Eastern Kentucky collected and organized by the Carter County Genealogical Society and housed in the Carter County Public Libraries in Grayson and Olive Hill, Kentucky. The collection includes, census information, pedological charts, birth, marriage and death certificates, deeds and land grants, published obituaries, newspaper clippings, and other materials preserved by family members.
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