Content Posted in 2022
Photograph - Post Signal Gun (Colorized), Fred Saunders
Photograph - Solders Drilling (Colorized), Fred Saunders
Photograph - Soldiers Drilling, Fred Saunders
Photograph - Soldiers Drilling, Fred Saunders
Photograph - Soldiers Drilling (Colorized), Fred Saunders
Photographs - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Photograph - Steve and Elizabeth Virostko (Colorized), Unknown
Photography Practicum: Learning the Basics of Managing a Fine Art Photography Darkroom, Brooklin Routt, Allison Jones, Frazier Pack, and Robyn Moore
Place Names - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Poems, Jack D. Ellis
Police - City & University, Jack D. Ellis
Politics - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Posed as Boy, Lexington Leader
Postcards - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Post Offices - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Predicting Cryptocurrency Price Change Direction from Supply-Side Factors via Machine Learning Methods, David Mayo and Heba Elgazzar
Presidents - United States, Jack D. Ellis
Pressure Injuries in a Clinical Setting: A Quality Improvement Project, Colby Pugh, Kayla Blain, Chloe Patrick, Clarissa Baker, Mackenzie Hopkins, Jarrett Elam, and Suzi White
Pressure Ulcer Prevention: A Quality Improvement Project, Noah Blevins, Graci Borders, Brett Bentley, Carly Crutchfield, Rachel Dillion, Jacob Dyer, Heleigh Eldridge, Taylor Emmons, and Suzi White
Private Patterson, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Prof. Haggan Goes with State Normal at Brodhead (Morehead), Danville Advocate-Messenger
Prof. W. J. Henry of the Morehead Normal School, Lexington Herald The Development of a Project-Based Learning Resource Website, Christopher B. Smith
Promoting Impactful Internships with Community Partners, Leeann M. Akers and Samuel L. Stapleton
Public Education in Kentucky: A Report by the Kentucky Educational Commission, Kentucky Educational Commission. and General Education Board (New York, NY)
Putin's War on Ukraine: A Historian's Perspective, Adrian Mandzy and Morehead State Historical Society
Quantifying Ant Populations to Measure Biodiversity in Morehead, KY, Alyssa Turner, Jude Hall, Tayla Lee, Charles Lydeard, and Sean O'Keefe
Queen City - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Railroads, Jack D. Ellis
Records, 1958-1979, CWEN, Upsilon Chapter
Records, 1999-2017, General Education Council
Red Rose Dairy - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Regal Store - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Religious, Mount Sterling Advocate
Report – Standardization of Reception Center Special Training Unit Tests, Fort Ontario September 1943, Defense Documentation Center for Scientific and Technical Information
Reproductive Rights after Dobbs, Bernadette Barton
Research Administration Open-Source Platforms: An Assessment of Institutional Administrators Interest in Technology Adoption, Derrick C. Gilmore
Research, Testing, and Validation of Small Satellite Designs: CubeSats, CanSats, PocketQubes, and Femtosatellites, Jason A. Combs and Jose L. Garcia
Restaurants - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Risky Behaviors in Central Appalachia/Eastern Kentucky: Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections, Allison Hyden and Lisa Shannon
Robert Goralski Presentation, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
Robert Goralski Presentation, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
Robert Goralski Presentation, Office of Communications & Marketing, Morehead State University.
Ronald G. Eaglin Subject Files, Office of the President
Rose, Jimmie, Jack D. Ellis
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
ROTC, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Rowan County - Defeat of Everett's Guerrillas, Rebellion Record
Rowan County - Everett's Raid, Maysville Weekly Bulletin
Rowan County - Everett's Raid into Eastern Kentucky, Official Records of the War of the Rebellion
Rowan County Families, Jack D. Ellis
Rowan County History, Jack D. Ellis
Rowan County Public Library, Jack L. Ellis
Rowan County - S. S. Cassity, Correspondent, Mount Sterling Advocate
Rowan County War, Jack D. Ellis
Rowan Student Discovers Star, Paducah Sun
Rural Schools - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Sandian Fails to Keep Promise, Ends Deadlock but Opens People's Eyes, Ashland Daily Independent
Schools - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Schools - Roy E. Cornette, Jack D. Ellis
Searching Homes in Morehead, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Seasonal Abundance and Sex Ratio of Earwigflies (Merope tuber) in Eastern Kentucky, Abigal Fagan and Sean O'Keefe
Second Deadlock Comes in Effort to Pick Location for State Normal School, Ashland Daily Independent
Senate Bill No. 14 - Bill to Establish Two Normal Schools, Senate. Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Senator Harris Favors Special Normal Session, Ashland Daily Independent
Sermons & Meditations, Jack D. Ellis
Service Stations - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Sesquicentennial - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
SGA Executive Board 2012, Morehead State University
Shared Governance During Covid-19: Kentucky Perspectives, Lesia Lennex
Sheriff Hogg in Fleming County, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Site Offered by Morehead is Accepted, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Soccer Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Social Justice & Equity in Higher Education: Disrupting Performative Equitable Practices, Roger Cleveland
Spencer County School Bus Cancellations, Kylie Pollett and Chuck Abell
Sports - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Spring Grove Dairy - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
State Commission Pays Visit to Louisa, Big Sandy News
State Normal Commission Deadlocks Again on the Selection of Site for School, Big Sandy News
State Normal Sites Voted On, Big Sandy News
St. Claire Hospital, Jack D. Ellis
Stewart, Art, Jack D. Ellis
Stewart, Cora Wilson, Jack D. Ellis
Stewart, Jesse, Jack D. Ellis
Still, James, Jack D. Ellis
Stockyards - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Streets & Roads, Jack D. Ellis
Student Activities Records, 1967-2017, Student Government Association
Student Perception of Essential Employability Qualities in a First-Year Experience Course, Kara S. Schotter
Styles, Jack D. Ellis
Suit May Decide Normal Tangle, Big Sandy News
Survey of Spiders within Eastern Kentucky, Mercy Hailu, Bailey Bullock, Joshua Hicks, Eliana Eldridge, and Sean O'Keefe
Swift, Jonanthan - Silver Mines, Jack D. Ellis
Technology in Workplace Communication by Generation, Hannah Meadows and Christy Trent
Telehealth as a preventative and quality control measure for hospital readmissions and comprehensive health factors: A quality improvement project, Miracle Thacker, Randa Thompson, Madison Whitenack, Elizabeth Williams, Kaitlyn Workman, and Suzi White
Telomerase Activity Enhancement in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, MacKenzie Neal, Hailey Rietz, and Melissa Mefford
Temperance Movement at Morehead, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Temperance Movement at Morehead, Maysville Evening Bulletin
The Appeal of Muffler Delete, Jacob Wayne Buttry
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Theater, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
The Craft Academy Robotics Project, Daniel Brooks, Josh Day, Brianna Kayatin, Logan Lee, Shawn Nelson, Brady Sammons, Paul Zigo, and Rachel Rodgers
The Demolition of Old Buildings in Ashland, Joshua Pack, Chris S. Pullem, and David Miller
The Effects of the Pandemic on Small Towns in Eastern Kentucky, Logan Routt
The Influence of a Compressed Semester on Student Performance in a Career and Technical Course, Michael W. Hazzard
The Innovation Standard: The Arguement for an Office of Innovation in Clark County Public Schools, Lindsay Ruthann Bryan Hale
The Kentucky Feud that Turned into a Free-For-All, Dayton Daily News and Howard L. Burba
The Lone Big Sandy Member of Normal Site Commission Gives School to Morehead, Big Sandy News
The Need of a Special Session, Ashland Daily Independent
“The Never Ending Story:” Circularizing Ch. VIII in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Chisom Iloegbunam and Melissa Mefford
The Normal Schools, Bourbon News
The perception of Minority student-athletes’ and non-athlete students’ learning experience at a predominately white institution, William Wellman, Jelani Garvin, Jane Zhang, and Steve Chen
The Unorthodox - Volume 3, Issue 1, Morehead State University. Honors Program.
The Unorthodox - Volume 3, Issue 2, Morehead State University. Honors Program.
The Unorthodox - Volume 3, Issue 3, Morehead State University. Honors Program.
The Unorthodox - Volume 3, Issue 4, Morehead State University. Honors Program.
The Youngs Indicted, - and Jurors Ordered Summoned from Fleming County to Try the Case, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Through a Window: Teacher's Sensational Flight from Morehead, Louisville Courier-Journal
Time Change, Jack D. Ellis
Tobacco - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Today is His 58th Birthday, Lexington Herald
Tolliverites Organizing to Burn Morehead, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
Tourism - Rowan County, Jack D. Ellis
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track, Morehead State College
Track, Morehead State College
Track, Morehead State College
Track, Morehead State College
Track, Morehead State College
Track, Morehead State College
Track, Morehead State College
Track- Hurdle, Morehead State College
Track- Hurdle, Morehead State College
Track- Hurdle, Morehead State College
Track Team, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Track- Team, Morehead State College
Track- Team, Morehead State College
Track- Team, Morehead State College
Track- Team, Morehead State College
Track- Team, Morehead State College
Track- Team Banquet, Morehead State College
Track- Team Banquet, Morehead State College
Track- Vaulting, Morehead State College
Track- Vaulting, Morehead State College
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 16, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 17, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 18, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 19, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 20, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 21, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 22, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 23, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 24, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Trail Blazer - Volume 59, Number 25, Morehead State University. Trail Blazer.
Transylvania Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Transylvania Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Transylvania Concert, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Trial of Pigman and Perry, Maysville Daily Evening Bulletin
TRIO College Navigator: College Preparation Site, Brandon M. Isaac
Unknown Lantern, Unknown
Vetarans Wall - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Veterans Day, Jack D. Ellis
Wallen Puts New Normal at Morehad, Richmond Daily Register
Water Supply - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Weather Extremes, Jack D. Ellis
Western Auto - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
WGLC-FM in Ashland, Joshua Pack and M. J. McKay
What majors are chosen by undergraduate students leaving accounting? A Review of the Literature, Sarah E. Lager and Kimberly Fatten
WMKY Tower, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
WMKY Tower, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
WMKY Tower, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
WMKY Tower, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
WMKY Tower, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
WMOR Radio - Morehead, Jack D. Ellis
Women living with Addiction in Appalachia, Makayla Ryan
Women's Basketball Game Videos, 1997-2004, Athletics Department.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
Women's Basketball Tournament, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
World of Business Conference, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
World of Business Conference, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
World of Business Conference, Morehead State University. Office of Communications & Marketing.
World War I Scrapbook, Jack D. Ellis
You Can't Teach That: Critical Race Theory & Censorship, Annie Adams, Tom Kmetz, Sabrina Little, and Joe Dunman
Young, Allie W., Jack D. Ellis
Young, Thomas D., Jack D. Ellis