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As a brass player, I struggle with TMJ, and it greatly affect s my playing abilities to this day. I started to experience issues with my TMJ last semester as playing my euphonium became unbearable. This lead my professor and I to dig into research; looking into the stories of others who may have also suffered from TMJ or other facial injuries that affect brass playing all while observing my own journey with TMJ.

Throughout this study, I reviewed not only medical articles concerning TMJ, but also articles, stories, and method books from current brass players that have suffered from facial injuries or still continue to suffer. I explored methods of recovery, looking into different methods and techniques that require players to focus on their bodies and breathing, allowing them to be aware of themselves completely while playing. I also reviewed ways to relax facial muscles, such as massages, acupuncture, and stretches.

This study is not yet complete as my journey to find symbiosis between my TMJ and brass playing continues. Trying out different methods such as the ones listed above alongside getting medical help will further the conclusions I make during my time on this project.

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Higher Education | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

TMD and Its Effects on Brass Playing



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