Faculty Research at Morehead State University


Evaluation of an Instrument for Measuring Multiple Intelligences

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The purpose of the present study was to assess the use of multiple intelligence assessment instruments as predictor measurements of achievement. The sample included 51 male and female students enrolled in two sections of an introductory psychology course. They were asked to complete the Multiple Intelligences Challenge (MIC) and the Self Evaluation of Seven Useful Abilities (SEVAL) instruments. Separately, the subjects also completed a timed vocabulary test. The results indicated that the seven categories on both the MIC and the SEVAL were not predictive of achievement in the classroom as determined by mid-term grades, ACT tests, or the vocabulary test. Findings suggested that Gardner's multiple intelligence abilities are either not unique or not accurately assessable by paper and pencil instruments. Appendix A contains the MIC and Appendix E presents the SEVAL instruments.
