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The Eastern Kentucky Art Project was founded in 2007 as a way to connect communities with resources pertaining to visual arts and music in Eastern Kentucky. One significant type of resources EKAP features is information regarding historic architecture in Eastern Kentucky. Understanding cultural landmarks in people’s own communities can foster an inclusive and healthy community identity, but it became clear through recent efforts to update the EKAP website that information surrounding the preservation of historic sites is often difficult to access and understand for a general audience. Previous efforts to educate and encourage preservation of important sites was often tied to lengthy reports or only available through difficult to navigate government websites. Modern media, specifically social media, provides a novel opportunity to present historic preservation in a way that is engaging for diverse populations in today’s digital world. Social media also offers the possibility of storytelling that more static forms of media cannot. To successfully continue to preserve historic sites in a way that benefits communities, historic preservation practices must become not only more understandable, but also appealing to a wider audience. This presentation demonstrates best practices for making this vital information accessible in ways that are relevant and allow preservation to become a true passion for broader audiences, empowering communities to learn about and preserve their own unique history.
Publication Date
Spring 2021
Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Higher Education | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
DeBord, Elizabeth and Gritton, Joy, "Ekap Update: Rethinking The Presentation Of Historic Sites" (2021). 2021 Celebration of Student Scholarship - Poster Presentations. 57.
![Ekap Update: Rethinking The Presentation Of Historic Sites](
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